
Red Light Camera Offence Ticket

Author: naomi

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:46 pm

Re: Red Light Camera Offence Ticket

Unread post by litestuff »

OHOH! I am wondering why there is no more posts since Jan 2012. I received my ticket in the mail for $325 also. I'd rather spend it on my two kids to feed.

The notice is on a Form 6, Reg 108/11. The offence was on May 16, 2012 at 12:35pm. I am the only car going my direction. It stated the light was red for .2 seconds when I entered the intersection and proceeded through the intersection when light was red .8 seconds (traveling at 87 km/hr). I was going to base my defense by challenging the diagnostic testing of the camera and what variance can the camera be inaccurate since all took place within a second (even though it shows light was red when I entered and proceeded the red light). I just read all the postings of the notice being quashed and was going to take that stand but there has been no more recent posts since Jan /12 and now I'm worried if I still have a case even though I requested and am waiting for a trail.

Please suggest what my best move is now.

Thank you

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