No Registration Fine While Waiting For Trial On Same Thing
I was fined for not having valid registration tonight, I am currently awaiting a trial date for the EXACT SAME offense. I was under the impression that I couldn't be fined for the same thing twice. The officer said "until you sort it out I can fine you for whatever I want". Now the reason that I am going to trial is that there is another fine on my license that I have no information about and have been trying to determine where it came from. I didn't know about this fine so when I went to register this year it was an additional charge. I have been having trouble getting information about what that fine is in regards too, I explained this to the prosecutor at my early resolution meeting and he said that he would set a trial date to give me more time to figure out where this fine came from.
Obviously I am going to choose early resolution again but I am just wondering if I should file a complaint against the officer or if I am incorrect in assuming I couldn't be charged for an offense that I am awaiting trial for.