Second Thoughts....perhaps I Should Have Taken The Deal
I was charged with 39 klm over limit of 100. That was 4 demerit points and $285 (ouch). The officer was on a motorcycle on a Hwy and I assume he had radar of some type. He pulled out from his hiding spot when I went by. It was fairly busy roads. Two of us pulled over at the same time…a car in front of me who obviously thought it was him. When the other car saw me pull over, he left.
Today I went to the Pre trial hearing, along with a room full of others and not sure if I would accept a deal. I am basically a shy person, this was my first ticket, I have a 10 star driving rating. The Prosecutor offered me 3 points and $160. For some strange reason the words just came out of my mouth "Is that the best you can do" he said yes thats the minimum he can offer… I said I would go to trial. Its going to take a lot of courage for me to go to court. Im thinking maybe I should have accepted the offer.
As soon as I receive my court date I understand that it is my right to have disclosure sent to me. I would appreciate any help as to what I should request in this disclosure. And if anyone has any other suggestions for me I would truly appreciate it … I am quite na¯ve and intimidated about this entire court scene. I will work hard to help myself though.
Does anyone think the Prosecutor will offer another deal before my court date, as I may not have enough evidence if the officer has followed the law to a T?
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