
Speeding Charge By Pacing

Author: Richmondhiller

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Speeding Charge By Pacing

Unread post by Richmondhiller »

Got a speeding charge 75 in 60 Officer stated in notes she paced me over 120 km/hr for 200 m. This does not seem like a long distance to pace as it was on Weston Rd and there was average traffic on the road. Does this seem like a reasonable distance? I was going to ask for when vehicles speedometer was calibrated that day as well as a certificate for the vehicle originally-asked for disclosure and neither were included. Does this seem like a good mode of attack? Thanks

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Re: Speeding Charge By Pacing

Unread post by Stanton »

200 metres sounds like a reasonable distance, especially if the officer can testify that she was going a set speed and clearly observed you pass her and/or pull away. She may not know you're exact speed, but can at least testify to the fact you were at least going X over. The longer you pace a vehicle the better, but there's no set distance and it will really depend on the roadway and conditions.

Be careful if you decide to take this charge all the ways to trial. If you're in a jurisdiction where the Crown raises speeding tickets back to the full amount, I'd plead out to 15 over unless you're sure you can beat the charge. 15 over is a pretty nice break from 50+ over.

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