
Speeding Ticket

Author: JussB

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Speeding Ticket

Unread post by JussB »

So I was driving on Brimley road and I didn't noticed a cop was standing there, long story short he caught "speeding 60 to a 50" (he reduced it) road when I drive there almost everyday and I haven't got any ticket till this morning. From what the cop told me it won't affect my demerit points. My question is, will my insurance increase?

Would X-copper and or OTT Legal Services help me? I've been reading their testimonies online and so far all the comments are very positive.

Also I looked up the speed limit on that road and it says it was 60km reduced to 50km. I was not aware of this and I would slow down if I knew or there was a sign.

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Re: Speeding Ticket

Unread post by ynotp »

Even if you can convince a JP it was a 60 zone, you are still going to have to prove to you were not speeding, being clocked 1 km over counts as speeding. Asking for a trial and getting disclosure is not going to hurt you. It can only benefit you.

Get a ticket filing service (cheap and saves you a lot of time), get a court date, request disclosure, see what they got and go from there. If it takes forever to get a trial ask for an 11b stay or when you have disclosure show it OTT and ask their advise.

Get a couple of minor convictions and you can forget about insurance in Toronto.

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