
Speeding Ticket - Wrong Info

Author: notsofastandfurious

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Speeding Ticket - Wrong Info

Unread post by notsofastandfurious »

I received a speeding ticket and after a few days later while looking it over I noticed the officer bumped my speed up by 10 km more than what I was travelling!! Claiming I was doing 62km in a 40km zone. This is untrue. I looked at my speedometer when I noticed him and I was barely over 10km past the 40km limit. At the time, I thought to myself, "are you kidding me he's actually going to pull me over for just going 10-12 km over the limit?"

The officer's reputation precedes him as I never met him until this ticket but I've heard all about him from various people. He has a bad reputation in the community for NOT being a nice person. Sadly, he lost both his child (choking accident) and then a few months later his wife (suicide) and I feel VERY SORRY for the guy. However, people in the community feel he's out to make the world pay (and so do I now) and shouldn't be working as a cop anymore.

During the stop not once did he 'smile' or consider what I had to say in respect to WHY (very bad day and another story) I was travelling at the speed I was. I was polite, treated him with respect, I acknowledged I was slightly over the speed limit, told him the truth and lastly pointed out I have a very clean driving record (which I do hands down) plus I have NOT had a speeding ticket since I was 17...that being 30+ years ago! He could have easily given me a warning but instead chose to throw the book at me!! I can except the 12km charge over but not 22km as this is NOT THE TRUTH and now will give me 3 demerits. Without doubt I feel he 'deliberately' :evil: added the 10km to make that happen.

Finally, while looking over the ticket I ALSO noticed he wrote down the wrong street where he pulled me over. I intend to fight this ticket because of the wrong information. Would I win or lose? Should I mention anything about the speed being incorrect? Any suggestions of how I should fight this?

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Re: Speeding Ticket - Wrong Info

Unread post by bend »

notsofastandfurious wrote:I received a speeding ticket and after a few days later while looking it over I noticed the officer bumped my speed up by 10 km more than what I was travelling!! Claiming I was doing 62km in a 40km zone. This is untrue. I looked at my speedometer when I noticed him and I was barely over 10km past the 40km limit. At the time, I thought to myself, "are you kidding me he's actually going to pull me over for just going 10-12 km over the limit?"

Speeding is an absolute liability. You were either speeding or you weren't. Not only can you not prove anything you're saying, but you would have just admitted guilt. It doesn't matter whether you were doing 5 over or 20 over. If you wish to request disclosure, you can read exactly how and where your speed was calculated and go from there.

You ticket isn't based on "when you look at your speedometer". It's based on when and where the officer calculated your speed, not when you see him in your rear view mirror.

notsofastandfurious wrote:The officer's reputation precedes him as I never met him until this ticket but I've heard all about him from various people. He has a bad reputation in the community for NOT being a nice person. Sadly, he lost both his child (choking accident) and then a few months later his wife (suicide) and I feel VERY SORRY for the guy. However, people in the community feel he's out to make the world pay (and so do I now) and shouldn't be working as a cop anymore.

During the stop not once did he 'smile' or consider what I had to say in respect to WHY (very bad day and another story) I was travelling at the speed I was. I was polite, treated him with respect, I acknowledged I was slightly over the speed limit, told him the truth and lastly pointed out I have a very clean driving record (which I do hands down) plus I have NOT had a speeding ticket since I was 17...that being 30+ years ago! He could have easily given me a warning but instead chose to throw the book at me!! I can except the 12km charge over but not 22km as this is NOT THE TRUTH and now will give me 3 demerits. Without doubt I feel he 'deliberately' :evil: added the 10km to make that happen.

An officer is not required to:

- Smile

- Listen to excuses why you were speeding. In fact, admitting you were speeding is going to crush your case before it even begins. If you don't like the charge, you're free to challenge it in court, not on the side of the road.

notsofastandfurious wrote:Finally, while looking over the ticket I ALSO noticed he wrote down the wrong street where he pulled me over. I intend to fight this ticket because of the wrong information. Would I win or lose? Should I mention anything about the speed being incorrect? Any suggestions of how I should fight this?

Street name would indicate where the offense took place, not where you were pulled over. If you were traveling down the listed road, it would give you a better idea on where the offense took place. Or you could probably request disclosure before bringing his dead family into it and build a case based on facts, not nosy gossip.

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Re: Speeding Ticket - Wrong Info

Unread post by tickets_suck »

I received a speeding ticket on Saturday, November 16 2013, on Britannia Road West. The cop clocked me going at 80 km/hr in a 50km/hr zone. However, she let me off the with a break and reduced the ticket to 65km/hr in a 50 km/hr zone. This made the fine at $52.50 with no demerits. When I got home I reviewed the ticket and noticed that the officer left the DOB and gender fields blank. My question is that is this enough of an error for the ticket to be thrown out? My second question is that, if I choose to plead guilty how much of an effect will this have on my insurance rates?

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