
Street Racing?

Author: casper

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Unread post by Reflections »

Tahoe is very smooth, and is faster than the crown vic on low end and only 2km slower at top end.

And chugging a gazzilion litres more gas..... :D OR
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Unread post by Slyk »

Reflections wrote:
Tahoe is very smooth, and is faster than the crown vic on low end and only 2km slower at top end.

And chugging a gazzilion litres more gas..... :D

I think the Tahoe has 4 cyl deactivation on the hwy, which can be a little better.

In my town we have a couple of minivans, some impalas, an F350 dually, and a plumber's van or two as undercover vehicles. One even has the ladders and pipes on the top. This is in addition to a full fleet of marked vehicles, and undercover crown vics

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