I've been reading a lot of articles and websites and the above site seems to represent the common public opinion. It's quite clear that the vast majority of opinionated people are against this law. I think it's unwise for Mr. Fantino to challenge public opinion like he does. Eventually, the police in general, will lose the respect and trust from the very public they have sworn to serve. He can boast about stats all he wants. I don't think it's gonna help him now.
I read that approximately 5 deaths per year were caused by racing (since 1999). This first year alone under this new law will see about 8,000 people charged and impounded. That's about 1600 TIMES more people negatively affected by the impoundments than by a racing death. That's a heck of a lot of people that are now yelling from the highest hill about how unfair this law is. This is how public opinion forms and laws are ultimately amended to suite their concerns.
I'm in no way trying to minimize the senseless deaths caused by idiots who have no self control behind the wheel, nor am I suggesting that a mere 1-week impoundment is any where near as traumatic as a traffic fatality. I'm merely pointing out the "public opinion" aspect of this law.
I've already seen a noticeable shift in opinions amongst family members, friends, and co-workers. Where once they truly believed (as I did... for about 8 seconds) that this law would target the "Fast & Furious" street racing problem, they now have heard enough stories and articles to see that the law has been abused by law enforcement at an unacceptable rate.
Give it another year or two and enough hard-working, otherwise completely law-abiding citizens will step out from the shadows and join the fight against this police state Julian Fantino has created. It comes as no surprise to me that most of the reporting done on this subject (that I've seen) has been negative towards the police.
- hwybear
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FANTINO did NOT create the law, he just supports it and is vocal about the law, that is it. The politicians created, worded and passed the law.....Blame it on them! Go sit on the lawn at parliament or whatever.Target the politicians that put the "impoundment" part into law if that is the big concern.
Only ones concerned are the ones not following the rules of the road and doing extreme driving out of the norm.
2004 there was 8.7 million licenced Ontario Drivers.....add in 4 yrs and travellers...and if that number might be 9 million now is a lot of drivers and even IF 8000 people get caught....that is less than 1% of all drivers.
A far cry from the "alledged" majority that this is affecting.
And again, there is always two sides to every story....the news, they always created "their perspective" (whether it be right or wrong). Plus the news has a way to put another spin on things to boot. Which many people do not realize and take it for gospel.
hwybear wrote:FANTINO did NOT create the law, he just supports it and is vocal about the law, that is it.
Did Fantino not help lay some of the ground work for this law?
This article is Disgusting to say the least,I have written a letter to the CRTC http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/ ... ntoNewHome
And lucky me I have an appointment with my MPP on Thursday!
Maybe he can explain to me how this Does Not Violate The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/charter/#garantie
- hwybear
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BelSlySTi wrote:This article is Disgusting to say the least,I have written a letter to the CRTC http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/ ... ntoNewHome
I read it, what is so disgusting? (coles notes please)
Simply biased reporting!
- hwybear
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BelSlySTi wrote:Simply biased reporting!

Don't see much biased in that. Just results from a long weekend. They maybe could have said there was approx "X" million travellers this past weekend with only "X" thousand stopped, therefore over 99 % were driving properly.
We could make a whole new thread on bias news reporting. Rarely is it neutral, it somehow makes someone look bad.
(eg. Local news about 2 wks ago, a restuarant owner on a major artery in our city is fuming and saying he is losing business b/c the road is ripped up in front of his business...blah blah blah.....yet nothing about how the municipality is widing the road as traffic volume is so high and replacing water and sewer lines (they are ancient) before they break at a bad time and have to rip up the new road)
BelSlySTi wrote:This article is Disgusting to say the least,I have written a letter to the CRTC http://toronto.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/ ... ntoNewHome
The thing I found interesting about the article was that the general emphasis was on "speeding" infractions, but the two accidents mentioned (and pictured)
had nothing to do with speeding (or racing). I would have expected all these crazy speeders would have resulted in a couple pics of accidents caused by SPEEDING, not old age and booze.
- hwybear
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Speed definition: to cause to move, go, or proceed
If speed was not involved how did the collisions occur?
Two stationary objects do not touch one another. So one has to have speed.
One article the vehicle came "ploughing" through the front of the store, certainly was not stationary at the curb, but moving with some speed.
I said "SpeedING", not Speed! (groan...)
HOWEVER.... thanks for pointing out just how silly the phrase "Speed Kills" is
- Reflections
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hwybear wrote:Speed definition: to cause to move, go, or proceed
If speed was not involved how did the collisions occur?
Two stationary objects do not touch one another. So one has to have speed.
One article the vehicle came "ploughing" through the front of the store, certainly was not stationary at the curb, but moving with some speed.
Any two objects that have mass also have gravity.....eventually they will meet.
And I do remember Mr. Fantino saying he wished he went after 30 over after the first week(?) of the law being implemented. This would be the cops being law makers and no sir I don't like it.
- hwybear
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Bookm wrote:HOWEVER.... thanks for pointing out just how silly the phrase "Speed Kills" is
I have agree speed does not kill, it's that sudden stop that kills.
Should change it to "Stopping Kills"
hwybear wrote:...Should change it to "Stopping Kills"
EXACTLY! Now you understand why "pushing" the yellow light is SAFER!
- hwybear
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The province's top cop says street racing legislation introduced last September and the re-introduction of the Ontario Provincial Police's aerial traffic enforcement program have kept more motorists alive this summer, compared to this time last year.
OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino said the number of fatalities on OPP patrolled roads have dropped by 32 per cent. That is the equivalent of 82 lives being saved.
To date, 174 people have been killed compared to 256 in 2007. Deaths where speeding is a factor are down 40.2 per cent from 102 last year to 61 this year.
"The OPP's Provincial Traffic Enforcement Program is obviously working," Fantino said
hwybear wrote:The province's top cop says street racing legislation introduced last September and the re-introduction of the Ontario Provincial Police's aerial traffic enforcement program have kept more motorists alive this summer, compared to this time last year.
OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino said the number of fatalities on OPP patrolled roads have dropped by 32 per cent. That is the equivalent of 82 lives being saved.
To date, 174 people have been killed compared to 256 in 2007. Deaths where speeding is a factor are down 40.2 per cent from 102 last year to 61 this year.
"The OPP's Provincial Traffic Enforcement Program is obviously working," Fantino said
A few weeks ago Woolley also said traffic was down in general due Insane fuel costs,and the soggy weather,keeping the cottagers @ home.
I guess we will be seeing more of these press releases in the next few weeks
- Reflections
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"The OPP's Provincial Traffic Enforcement Program is obviously working," Fantino said
There are way too many variables to establish one thing as the main contributer to the statistics of driving. The new probably helped tame some of the drivers but it is not the only thing. Weather and gas prices have also reduced the number of people on the roads and the speed that they are travelling at. Still, enforcement is not the only thing, contrary to Mr. Fantino's insinuation.
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