
Stunt/racing Charge

Author: slowpoke1980

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Re: Stunt/racing Charge

Unread post by argyll »

It has to be personal service. They can mail suspension notices but not summonses.

And yes, you can not open the door, or open it and refuse to identify yourself and then the police can get a warrant and deal with you at the time of likely greatest inconvenience and you will get zero leeway from police or Crown. Your choice.

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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Re: Stunt/racing Charge

Unread post by jsherk »

First of all, when they are looking for you to serve you a summons is NOT the same thing as having a warrant out for your arrest so you should not worry too much. They just want to give you a ticket!

As far as service is concerned, you are right, mailing does not count:

A summons shall be served by a provincial offences officer by delivering it personally to the person to whom it is directed or if that person cannot conveniently be found, by leaving it for the person at the persons last known or usual place of abode with an inmate thereof who appears to be at least sixteen years of age.
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Re: Stunt/racing Charge

Unread post by argyll »

But their attempts at service will become more robust the closer to the 6 months. This won't go away. Do you want a copper to turn up at your work with a ticket ?

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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Re: Stunt/racing Charge

Unread post by screeech »

Stunting is an arrestable offence, therefore, a warrant could be sought if the person cannot be served the summons...Section 24 of the Provincial Offences part: where the arrest is authorized by statute and where the allegations of the informant or the evidence satisfy the justice on reasonable and probable grounds that it is necessary in the public interest to do so, issue a warrant for the arrest of the defendant; I suppose I could be wrong but it seems to fit...

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Re: Stunt/racing Charge

Unread post by jsherk »

It might be in your best interest to call Provincial Offences office and ask the status of the ticket. Then you will know for sure whether summons or warrant or whatever.

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Re: Stunt/racing Charge

Unread post by slowpoke1980 »

jsherk wrote:It might be in your best interest to call Provincial Offences office and ask the status of the ticket. Then you will know for sure whether summons or warrant or whatever.

Good call. Where do I find the # for that?

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Re: Stunt/racing Charge

Unread post by jsherk »

It would be on the back of your original ticket. Otherwise, google Provincial Offences Office in the municipality where the ticket was issued.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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