
2 Tickets: Highway Traffic Acts 128, And 32 (1)

Author: Speedmonkey

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Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:45 am

2 Tickets: Highway Traffic Acts 128, And 32 (1)

Unread post by Speedmonkey »

Hello everyone,

Today I got pulled over for speeding. I was in 70 km zone, but neglected to stay within that limit as I was following the flow of traffic. I followed a car going the similar speed as I was. Another car was behind me, about 100 metres, also going the similar speed. I admit, I neglected to notice how fast I was driving until a cruizer pulled me over. He said I was going 110 km. My excuse on the spot was that I was just following the speed of the driver ahead of me and neglected to check my speedometer. He jammed me with a Highway Traffic Act 128, speeding 110 km in a postd 70 km zone.

In addition, he also surprised me by telling me my license (full G which I recieved only the previous year) had been expired for almost 3 months! This really took me by surprise as I had no idea! Im always very organized with my paperwork, and had I recieved something in my mail about renewal of the license, I would have dealt with it right away. The truth is, I just didn't notice my expiry date on my license.

The funny thing is I visited the LCBO a few times this summer and they always asked to check my Id. Nobody had ever noticed my expired date!

Nevertheless, the MTO should have sent me a renewal notice, no?

He jammed me with a second ticket: highway traffic act 32(1) - drive motor vehicle no license. $325. Im in shock. This was a very unlucky night for me.

The officer told me to go to court for my speeding ticket. I will do so. He never mentioned anything about the second ticket.

Should I also take the second ticket to court?

I am also wondering how this will look on my record. Im currently going through ATS examinations to become a cop myself, and I am worried how this will impact my application.

Please advise, any help is mich appreciated.

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