Tps Bicycle Registry
Would this only work for bicycles recovered by the TPS? That is, would OPP, York Regional, etc., ever reference or even have access to the registry?
Author: Squishy
Would this only work for bicycles recovered by the TPS? That is, would OPP, York Regional, etc., ever reference or even have access to the registry?
rather than create yet another useless database to justify someone's existence (create a job - rather than doing what they are supposed to), it would be way easier for anyone that has a bicycle to record the serial number down. If the bike is stolen/lost provide the police with the Make, Model, Serial number, speed, size of frame, colour. This info can then be placed on a database that already exists (CPIC). First thing police do is check lost/found/recovered bicycle on CPIC.
Oh, I read something a while ago that gave me the impression that CPIC didn't track bicycles (it was an article on one of those Canada-wide paid bike registries). Good to know, and I do have the serial number written down.
If you guys ever see the only bike in Ontario properly taped up according to HTA, let me know my bike has been stolen.
Squishy wrote:Oh, I read something a while ago that gave me the impression that CPIC didn't track bicycles
anything with stolen with a serial number can go on CPIC....even your old cassette walkman
hwybear wrote:Squishy wrote:Oh, I read something a while ago that gave me the impression that CPIC didn't track bicycles
anything with stolen with a serial number can go on CPIC....even your old cassette walkman
I guess I'd better register it then
Seriously, they advertise a protection service that costs money to place a sticker on a laptop so that the resale value is gone. Might as well register expensive valuables with CPIC.
I don't think you can register items on CPIC until they are actually stolen, no?
Squishy wrote:I don't think you can register items on CPIC until they are actually stolen, no?
correct have to be stolen/lost first
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