
Unsafe Left Turn On Green Light, Incoming Traffic

Author: JerryK

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Unsafe Left Turn On Green Light, Incoming Traffic

Unread post by JerryK »

Hi everyone, I lost my mind a few days ago at an intersection with traffic cameras on a 4 way intersection. There were cameras everywhere near the traffic lights. It was green light and I followed the front car to turn left on Green without yielding to incoming traffic first. (Almost got in accident) while the car in front of me turned left there was no incoming traffic (safe), but when I began turning the incoming car heading straight was only 1 car length away from hitting.

Fortunately no cops were around and I just kept going. Will the traffic cameras catch me & fine me? Do they only activate on running a red light? What about the traffic cameras NOT in front & behind me) I mean the ones on my left & right (those are active as left & right have Red light)

Will I be fined ?

Thanks in advance everyone! GreatlyAppreciated

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Re: Unsafe Left Turn On Green Light, Incoming Traffic

Unread post by argyll »

The cameras are for people that run red lights. Count yourself lucky you didn't get a ticket and luckier you didn't hurt someone.

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Re: Unsafe Left Turn On Green Light, Incoming Traffic

Unread post by bend »

Red light cameras aren't used for capturing video. They don't record anything other than a few frames used for red light offenses, which isn't a concern considering the description of the events.

This isn't the case everywhere. I believe in the U.S. certain cities will record video. Even then, it's used for the purpose of red light enforcement. They aren't watching anybody, but they may keep a 10 second video of the red light offense or something like that. They don't do it here. It may be a privacy thing, but I couldn't give you a solid answer.

You don't need to worry, other than paying closer attention.

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Re: Unsafe Left Turn On Green Light, Incoming Traffic

Unread post by JerryK »

Thank you so much guys.

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