
Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Author: 250alp

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Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by 250alp »

"A matter pertaining to advice subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose as it relates to the potential implementation of a Red Light Camera Program (C2/1/CWC)"

Tuesday Jan 12, 2016

Sorry for the LATE notice.

BUT email your London Councillor or Mayor in general or all of them. Does not matter if you live in the city, you visit the city right?

1% of the London citizens are probably aware they are about to get 5 yrs of HELL and $325 fines, 40% goes to the Region and 60% the cash starved city.

And you all know that red light cameras ticket rolling RIGHT TURNS right?

Durham Region said NO by vote of 21-4 in Sep. 2015.

Why because increasing yellow lights by 0.5-1sec makes the whole Red Light Camera business case fall apart. ... ype=AGENDA ... fault.aspx

Now is NOT the time for apathy fellow Cdns ... o-resigns/)

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by Nanuk »

A ''rolling right turn'' is still a ''Fail to stop at red light'' and warrants the $325.00 total payable.

Photo enforcement is coming , red light cameras are only the beginning. Might as well get used to it.

Take the City of Edmonton for example which is now testing a mobile unmarked photo radar unit and dozens of photo enforcement sites operating throughout the city 24/7 .

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by bend »

250alp wrote:And you all know that red light cameras ticket rolling RIGHT TURNS right?

Let's pretend that making a right on a red without stopping wasn't already illegal.

These cameras work based off of triggers that correspond to speed. These cameras start picking up action when it recognizes something moving over a certain speed right before the line. I don't know the exact speed, but it's somewhere in between 20-30km. The picture sent to you will even provide you with your speed when you hit the line. Your average joe isn't going to trigger the camera by simply creeping over the line. If you received a red light camera ticket while making a right on red, chances are you made nothing close to an attempt to stop to begin with.

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by jsherk »

250alp wrote:email your London Councillor or Mayor in general or all of them

Email sent asking them not to approve the cameras.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by 250alp »

Reminder the VOTE is Tuesday lunch TOMORROW, time running out.

Red Light Cameras have "unintended consequences" and do little to change behavior except increase rear end collisions by 46% by one study alone.

Plus USA cities are slowing pulling the plug, why? too many angry voters and red light corruption by the private contractors in it for profit. ... o-resigns/

"Regarding the results from the time series analyses of red light running crashes, when considering the strongest evidence only (effects significant at 5% level), there was a 46% decrease in right angle crashes at camera intersections and a 42% increase in rear end crashes. Given that rear end crashes are typically less severe than right angle crashes and the fact that this negative side effect can be rectified using mitigating strategies such as improving signage and education about the functioning of the photo cameras, it appears the photo enforcement safety program has had a positive net effect on traffic safety in the city of Winnipeg."

Winnipeg study 2011 pg12 ... ort-12.pdf
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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by 250alp »

Tks "jsherk" for sending the email. Soldiers died for a freedom and now we are letting unrepresentative government take away our freedoms with good intentions of course.

$325 ticket, give me a break, plus insurance penalties for 3 years? Why not make it $550, make more money.

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by Decatur »

You seem to be misinformed. Insurance rates can not be increased as a result of a red light camera ticket.

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by argyll »

250alp wrote:Tks "jsherk" for sending the email. Soldiers died for a freedom and now we are letting unrepresentative government take away our freedoms with good intentions of course.

$325 ticket, give me a break, plus insurance penalties for 3 years? Why not make it $550, make more money.

Warning - rant ahead.

As a former soldier (who lost good friends) I'm getting thoroughly fed up of people using the old line that people died for our freedoms every time they don't like something that government is doing.

I'm no fan of red light cameras but their use is nothing to do with taking away a freedom. You don't have the freedom to run red lights now - there's a law against that. A red light camera is just a way of enforcing it.

Rant over - carry on.

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by bend »

250alp wrote:$325 ticket, give me a break, plus insurance penalties for 3 years?

Red light camera tickets have no impact on insurance. They are glorified parking tickets. No honest "ticket fighter" will ever take your money to defend such a charge because their time would cost more than the ticket would ever cost you.

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by bobajob »


also Jumping a RED light is far far far more deadly than most offences, as your likly to crash with somone coming the other way

I very rarely have any sympathy for anyone jumping a red light

argyll wrote:
250alp wrote:Tks "jsherk" for sending the email. Soldiers died for a freedom and now we are letting unrepresentative government take away our freedoms with good intentions of course.

$325 ticket, give me a break, plus insurance penalties for 3 years? Why not make it $550, make more money.

Warning - rant ahead.

As a former soldier (who lost good friends) I'm getting thoroughly fed up of people using the old line that people died for our freedoms every time they don't like something that government is doing.

I'm no fan of red light cameras but their use is nothing to do with taking away a freedom. You don't have the freedom to run red lights now - there's a law against that. A red light camera is just a way of enforcing it.

Rant over - carry on.

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by UnluckyDuck »

I wish red light tickets took pictures of the driver, and not the plate. Yes I know it has no insurance complications, but on 2 instances where my father got a red light ticket on a shared vehicle, no one wants to admit they ran the red. So my dad makes all of my siblings pay for the ticket, which I find is stupid.

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by bend »

UnluckyDuck wrote:I wish red light tickets took pictures of the driver, and not the plate. Yes I know it has no insurance complications, but on 2 instances where my father got a red light ticket on a shared vehicle, no one wants to admit they ran the red. So my dad makes all of my siblings pay for the ticket, which I find is stupid.

Then buy your own car.

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by bend »

250alp wrote:"Regarding the results from the time series analyses of red light running crashes, when considering the strongest evidence only (effects significant at 5% level), there was a 46% decrease in right angle crashes at camera intersections and a 42% increase in rear end crashes. Given that rear end crashes are typically less severe than right angle crashes and the fact that this negative side effect can be rectified using mitigating strategies such as improving signage and education about the functioning of the photo cameras, it appears the photo enforcement safety program has had a positive net effect on traffic safety in the city of Winnipeg."

Winnipeg study 2011 pg12 ... ort-12.pdf

I'm not sure what kind of point you're trying to make here because all this quote does is contradict your whole argument. How closely did you read it? Even if you read the report by The London Road Safety Strategy, which is brought up in the London meetings, no one is denying rear end crashes increase.

The London Road Safety Strategy wrote:

Studies show that angle collisions, which are usually the most severe type of collision, are reduced by 25% when RLCs are used. The number of rear-end collisions may increase up to 15% as more drivers are stopping at the red signal. Overall there is a net safety improvement and a positive overall safety cost benefit.

The point made in both quotes is that while rear end collisions increase, angled collisions decrease. So what they are saying is, would you rather be rear ended by a braking vehicle going the same direction or hit on an angle by a car going a different direction at a higher rate of speed? It's like the argument that seat belts and/or air bags increase chest, neck, arm, and head injuries while the alternative is you're ejected from the windshield and you're dead.

I really don't have much of an opinion on red light cameras. I've never received a ticket through one. I can't say i've seen a "cheap" camera ticket given where I would have rolled my eyes. Probably all the rlc tickets i've seen through this forum were more than well deserved. Going through a red light is stupid, no matter how late you are. I can see the argument for someone who doesn't fully complete a stop on a right turn (even though illegal), but the cameras are good at filtering out those who may roll versus those that go now and ask questions later.

That being said, you're not exactly making great arguments. They don't give tickets for rolling right turns on red (unless you consider never slowing to below 20-30km rolling), they don't increase insurance rates, and no one is denying (not even the City of London) that rear end collisions increase.

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Re: Urgent: London, On Voting On Red Light Cameras

Unread post by 250alp »

LIVE debate now!

London Councillor just asked about RH turn red lights, "YES you will get a $325 ticket unless you make a full stop".

I warned you guys, the money is too lucrative.

Of course the robotic cameras never make mistakes and they are always calibrated fairly and maintained properly... which is why the State of NJ is shutting them down.

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