
Vehicle Collision Expert: Intro

Author: DarrylSchnarrRoar

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:25 am

Vehicle Collision Expert: Intro

Unread post by DarrylSchnarrRoar »

Hey All,

I wanted to post a quick intro, as I am new to the forum. I stumbled across this while doing some research and thought perhaps I could help out this community.

My name is Darryl Schnarr. I work for an engineering company and I am a vehicle collision reconstruction engineer. I have investigated hundreds of vehicle collisions and have testified in Ontario court as an expert witness.

If you're in an accident, or need help with a question about a crash, shoot me a note. I'm not an expert on tickets, or the legal process, or insurance rules. I am an expert on how crashes happen, human factors, seatbelt use, airbag modules, etc.

Cheers, and I look forward to helping out.


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