
Warn Offences And Insurance Rates.

Author: WilliamS21

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Warn Offences And Insurance Rates.

Unread post by WilliamS21 »

Hope everyone is well:

My name is Bill and I am doing a research project at a leading Canadian university on the on the ways that "WARN" BAC offences change insurance rates. If you have been found at fault on the road side for this offence and you have seen a rise in your insurance rates I would be interested to at least get some anecdotal comments about the increases you faced. If your offence was not just exclusively a WARN please not that in your answer. Thank you all in advance for your participation.

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Re: Warn Offences And Insurance Rates.

Unread post by bend »

Unless you hold a license with alcohol restrictions (zero), blowing a warn should have zero impact on your insurance. It's an administrative suspension. Administrative suspensions can be given out for multiple reasons, and as far as I know, those reasons aren't disclosed on your abstract. There's no trial and no conviction. An insurance provider is not supposed to use any administrative suspension that lasts less than 12 months for the purpose of determining risk classification according to the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. Even for those lasting longer than a year have to go through an approval process with the FSCO.

That being said, it would not surprise me to hear about providers that are ignoring these rules. Hopefully some people here can help you out with your project.

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Re: Warn Offences And Insurance Rates.

Unread post by ynotp »

Blowing a warn is not an offence for a fully licensed driver in Ontario. Each time you are caught in the warn range you will receive an extrajudicial series of escalating sanctions (suspensions and eventually mandatory treatment programs) that if you comply with them, they cannot be used against you from an insurance standpoint as bend said.

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