
Which Disclosure Requests Form I Must Use?

Author: consumer

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Which Disclosure Requests Form I Must Use?

Unread post by consumer »

Hello everybody,

I got speeding ticket. Could you please help me.

On the official website I see Disclosure Requests Form ... vices.aspx

1) Should I use only this form? Can I use

And yes, I see on Do not use official form. Is it true? Can prosecutor say: We don't send Disclosure since he used wrong Requests Form?

2) According official form I can send Disclosure by fax or e-mail. Can I use mail?

3) Could you please give me example Disclosure Requests Form for speeding ticket?

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Re: Which Disclosure Requests Form I Must Use?

Unread post by bend »

You can send whatever you want. There's no standard form. Most municipalities can provide a generic form for you to use. They all look different but they will essentially ask you for the same thing. If you want to make your own form, you can do that too. In most cases, the provided form will do just fine.

I'd suggest you do not use the ticketcombat form. It's bloated, asks for things you'll never receive, and reads very toolish.

Realistically, all they need is your name and offense number. However, it makes things easier if you include some more details:


Disclosure Request


Offense Number:

Offense Date:


Officer Name, Number:

Court Date, Room #:

Contact: (Phone, Address, Email):


If you need to make additional requests, you can add whatever you want. That being said, they will usually send you everything you're going to get (e.g. officers notes, couple pages out of the radar manual, etc)

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Re: Which Disclosure Requests Form I Must Use?

Unread post by consumer »

Thank you.

Could you please give me example Disclosure Requests Form for speeding ticket?

ticketcombat recommended not include phone number on the disclosure request form. What do you think about this?

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Re: Which Disclosure Requests Form I Must Use?

Unread post by bend »

consumer wrote:ticketcombat recommended not include phone number on the disclosure request form. What you think about this?

They need a way to contact you so they can tell you to come pick up your request. If you don't have a number for whatever reason, you have to provide something here like an email address. If you have a number, just put it. You want your request. There's no point in avoiding it.

Ticketcombat is a 10 year old website that's practically unchanged. The thought process behind not putting a number is dated. I guess by not putting a number, the idea is to get everything is writing and have your request mailed back to you. Not putting a phone number may have worked 10 years ago when they were mailing back your disclosure request, but they don't do that anymore. They will call you to pick it up. They might even email it upon request. They are not going to snail you a letter asking you to pick up your stuff.

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Re: Which Disclosure Requests Form I Must Use?

Unread post by EphOph »

I still agree with ticketcombat regarding the phone number. If you are going to include it, then you should take the responsibility around a month after your request (or longer depending on what the notice of trial states for disclosure preparation time) to call the prosecutor's office every few days to see if it's ready. Otherwise the prosecutor can just lie and say he called you.

I always ask for registered physical mail at my address OR email. Haven't had any problems with that so far.

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