
Wrong Fine Amount From Court.

Author: bimmer

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Wrong Fine Amount From Court.

Unread post by bimmer »

Hello, I recently went to court for a big ticket and got it reduced by quite a bit but when my letter came in the mail that had my fine amount it was different than what I was told in court. In court I was given a break down of the fine 9.50/km over the speed limit plus the victim charge or court fees or whatever. Is this the same as like if an officer writes the wrong price down? Any thing I can do here?

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Re: Wrong Fine Amount From Court.

Unread post by Accrecon »

Contact the court office and get the record of your appearance and disposition. Explain to them the situation and I am sure they will be helpful. As long as the report states your understood penalty, you should be good to correct it at the records and fine payment office.

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