
Do I Have A Chance Fighting A Ticket For Improper Use Of Hov

Author: I_Need_Help

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Do I Have A Chance Fighting A Ticket For Improper Use Of Hov

Unread post by I_Need_Help »

So I received a ticket for 154.1(3) which is Improper use of high occupancy vehicle lane. I was ticketed in the tunnel where the 404 southbound and 401 connect by an O.P.P Officer. I was late for school and traffic was incredibly insane that day at 8am. This is my first offence of this kind. All my tickets in the past have only been for speeding or parking.

Do I stand a chance at ALL? Or should I just face the music? Please, any information will help me out! I'm freaking out over here...


Freaked out.

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Radar Identified
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Unread post by Radar Identified »

This charge might be difficult to beat, but you could always go through the motions. It's not going to be a huge fine or licence suspension or anything, unless you've already got a pile of tickets on your record. At least, give yourself some time to think: Check off not guilty, send in the paperwork and file a disclosure request. If you decide to plead guilty later, that option is still available to you, you just have to call the Crown Prosecutor and negotiate. In the mean time, check out

OPP do a lot of HOV lane enforcement right at the 404/401 interchange.

I_Need_Help wrote: I was late for school and traffic was incredibly insane that day at 8am.

Is traffic ever NOT insane on the 404 at 8AM?

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