
I Was In An Intersection Turning Left

Author: bellscorners

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I Was In An Intersection Turning Left

Unread post by bellscorners »

I was in an T intersection turning left... approaching vehicle is turning right onto the same road from a right turning lane and the light goes amber. I proceed to clear the intersection and he cuts me off and gives me the "Trudeau Salute".

Who is at fault? I was always taught to "take control "of the intersection and proceed to clear the intersection at the amber light, the driver approaching the intersection should give the right of way to the person in the intersection.

Has this changed or am I confused? :?:

Intersection is at Moodie and west Hunt Club in Bells Corners.

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Unread post by beleafer81 »

Hey Neighbour. I live nearby and know that area well. Probably flipped you the finger a few times..... LOL just kidding.

So may I assume you were heading south on moodie turning left (east) onto hunt club and the other guy was north on moodie turning right (east) on hunt club?

A left turning vehicle must wait in the intersection until the way is clear from ALL oncoming traffic to complete a left turn. Even if the light is yellow, perhaps even red. The oncoming car turning right has a right to do so on a yellow light. You should wait.

Situation is different if Hunt club was 2 lanes each direction in that area. Then you could have been in the left lane and him in the right lane not obstructing each other. Just watch that the goof stays in his lane, most dont.

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Unread post by bellscorners »

Thanks for the response. I called the police out of curiousity and they said I had the right of way as I was already in the intersection, however the cop I spoke with wasn't familiar with that particular intersection.

I understand your interpretation but I had already started my turn before he had reached the corner, am I supposed to stop and let him go?

This is one case where common courtesy and safety conflict the law. In the laws eyes I may have been wrong and I will make the correction next time, however I don't agree, and if I get nailed for blocking an intersection I will fight it to the death! :) I will always stop and allow the vehicle in control of the intersection clear safely on an amber, regardless of what the law states.

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Unread post by beleafer81 »

Im interested in the police response. I assume that they say that because the other guy is supposed to try and stop at the yellow light. It is in the HTA. I think we all know people rarely stop at a yellow light, some call it a "grey area" in the law because an "amber light - fail to stop" ticket is hard to prove. However if he goes straight through the yellow and you turn left to clear the intersection and collide your likely going to get a "left turn - not in safety" ticket, because it is easier to prove. Ive seen it on this site many times

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Unread post by hwybear »

more curious of how one knows the other person had an amber and was not green, due to facing a 180 from the light

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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