Search found 2 matches

by CouchEnthusiast
Sat May 17, 2014 1:02 am
Forum: Traffic Offences Outside Ontario
Topic: 15 over in Alberta = points in Ontario? Weird situation.
Replies: 2
Views: 2047

Re: 15 over in Alberta = points in Ontario? Weird situation.


Does anyone have any information about the possibility of them upping the ticket back to the original speed if I try and fight it? Is it even worth it?

More just curious than anything.
by CouchEnthusiast
Fri May 16, 2014 11:11 pm
Forum: Traffic Offences Outside Ontario
Topic: 15 over in Alberta = points in Ontario? Weird situation.
Replies: 2
Views: 2047

15 over in Alberta = points in Ontario? Weird situation.

re-posting in the correct section I moved out to Alberta for the summer and just got my first ticket, thought I was in a 90 zone (straight, paved road through nothing but fields, usually a 90 in Ontario) but it turned out to be a 70 zone. Got pegged for doing 99 in a 70, but I explained my situation...

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