Speeding and Police radar Can a Police vehicle approaching traffic (single lane each way) target multiple vehicles.
Should the officer lock the speed (on the device) on the fi…
Checking a Licence plate Do the police require just cause to check a licence plate, or can they run any plate they want at any time?
Also, is anyone aware of any case law tha…
One violation two charges Is this permitted by law?
Driver charged with speeding, also charged with disobey a sign (same incident). The sign being the speed limit sign.
Re: Genesis II Select Directional With regards to what Stanton said; I thought it could in faster mode. You'd be getting two readings, one for the strongest signal and one for the fast…
Genesis II Select Directional How well does the Genesis II Select Directional Radar work in a rain storm, at approximately 360 m.
Is there any case law with regards to weather affe…
Traffic Offence ??? Is there such a charge as "drive while distracted"?
An example...driver drops a cigarette, searches for on the floor of the car and is charged.
Re: Testing Radar Unit Thank you for the valuable responses...........however I have the manual for the Genesis II and the manufactuerers tests suggest that the testing woul…
Testing Radar Unit With regards to the Genesis II Select Directional Unit; If an Officer was to follow all the manufacturers testing requirements, approximately how long…
Re: Speeding and drive with no Licence So a number is generated with the addition of points from the conviction. So when the person does obtain a licence, the points are automatically adde…
Speeding and drive with no Licence This may be a stupid question, however........
Regarding a traffic offence. Ontario Highway Traffic Offence.
How can you convict a person charged w…