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by OctoberRain
Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:09 pm
Forum: Failing to stop for a school bus
Topic: Fail to Stop for School Bus - Owner
Replies: 6
Views: 3185

Re: Fail to Stop for School Bus - Owner

OctoberRain wrote: The witness statement of the two occupants of the vehicle state that the bus had not stopped and that they could not see any lights.

To clarify... the occupants of the vehicle that is being ticketed.
by OctoberRain
Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:08 pm
Forum: Failing to stop for a school bus
Topic: Fail to Stop for School Bus - Owner
Replies: 6
Views: 3185

Re: Fail to Stop for School Bus - Owner

To quote his statement "... Then I opened the door to activate the stop sign on the side. I was pretty much at a full stop by then . I saw a vehicle approaching me eastbound, it was about six car lengths away..." So by the driver's own admission he had not stopped his vehicle when he activ...
by OctoberRain
Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:46 pm
Forum: Failing to stop for a school bus
Topic: Fail to Stop for School Bus - Owner
Replies: 6
Views: 3185

Re: Fail to Stop for School Bus - Owner

So you would advise going to court?

If the charge is against the vehicle will it show up on my record? And will it affect my insurance rates? I reviewed the other threads but the answer is not clear.

Can I proceed in court without admitting to being the driver of the vehicle?
by OctoberRain
Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:19 pm
Forum: Failing to stop for a school bus
Topic: Fail to Stop for School Bus - Owner
Replies: 6
Views: 3185

Fail to Stop for School Bus - Owner

Hello, I am being charged with 175(19). The driver's witness statement from the disclosure package states that he had stopped, and that my vehicle was six car lengths away (approaching, and two lanes over with a posted speed limit of 80kmh, ideal road conditions). The statements I made to the office...
by OctoberRain
Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:49 pm
Forum: Failing to stop for a school bus
Topic: stopping for a school bus
Replies: 23
Views: 22641

Re: stopping for a school bus

Fair enough, but in order to retain control of the vehicle the safest option may be to continue driving and not attempt an emergency braking procedure. In a perfect world you would stop in a straight line. In reality, you could skid left or right and create the conditions under which an accident is ...
by OctoberRain
Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:32 pm
Forum: Failing to stop for a school bus
Topic: unintentionally failing to stop for a school bus
Replies: 3
Views: 5968

Re: unintentionally failing to stop for a school bus

..."The worst thing that could happen at this point is that your sister in law gets charged as the owner of the vehicle. If she is charged this way the ticket will not show up on her driving record as they can't prove she was the driver, much like a red light camera ticket. If that happens you...

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