What cases become case law? I've been trying to figure out who decides what cases become listed on services such as CanLII. I see that the court publishes certain cases, and CanL…
Well the OPP officer that ticketed my wife clearly did not do it even once that day. Skill, attitude and diligence varies greatly from police force to…
In my profession, (medical/lab/pharma equipment technician) an internal test is NEVER considered proof a unit is correctly functioning. It must pass b…
How does this work though? A radar detector it not illegal to possess. If I want to sit out on my front lawn with one in my hand, I am not breaking th…
The company I work for (medical equipment) is slowly sliding down the cheapness scale. Manufacturing has gone from Canada (1940-1970), to US, (1970-20…
How to bring up a point in court? I will be defending a pacing ticket that my wife got a few months back. I have requested and received an (incomplete... I'll deal with that later) dis…