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by aoex
Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:58 pm
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: question for insiders re prosecutors and their witnesses
Replies: 13
Views: 1533

I'm not up on the ins/outs of the above stuff. But since a resolution was made, the officer released by prosecutor, then the defendant pulls that stunt is "acting in bad faith", shouldn't 11B then go against defendant? I see what you guys are saying, but I also pointed out (last reply) th...
by aoex
Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:15 am
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: question for insiders re prosecutors and their witnesses
Replies: 13
Views: 1533

Let me clarify again that my trial is over, so I am not really asking for advice. I may have started off the thread giving the wrong impression that I was in court simply to make a deal with the prosecutor, whereas in fact this deal was made right before the trial and I was convicted. in reply to Vi...
by aoex
Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:53 am
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: question for insiders re prosecutors and their witnesses
Replies: 13
Views: 1533

you probably know better than me, but it wouldn't make sense or at least it wouldn't be fair to attribute the rescheduling to the defendant if he/she wants a trial and the witness is absent. After all, who's fault is it that the officer is not available?
by aoex
Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:57 pm
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: question for insiders re prosecutors and their witnesses
Replies: 13
Views: 1533

It is not a good idea. Like OPS said the DA will get a adjournment and you will get no deals. So you agree with OPS, but can you elaborate on why getting an adjournment is necessarily bad? As I pointed out, a reschedule could be used towards an 11b argument, no? And once again, I ask, will the DA a...
by aoex
Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:18 pm
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: question for insiders re prosecutors and their witnesses
Replies: 13
Views: 1533

I thought something like that might happen, but is it always the case? Perhaps the JP might think it would be a waste of valuable time/resources to reschedule. And then there's always the argument for the right to a speedy trial if the reschedule is months away. If everyone played hardball and got a...
by aoex
Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:08 pm
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: question for insiders re prosecutors and their witnesses
Replies: 13
Views: 1533

Ok, so let's say that they are notified on that day about who will not be present for whatever reason. That still leaves a lot of uncertainty as to whether the rest will in fact make it. I say this assuming that the prosecutor does not meet with every single officer before proceeding to the courtroo...
by aoex
Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:08 pm
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: question for insiders re prosecutors and their witnesses
Replies: 13
Views: 1533

question for insiders re prosecutors and their witnesses

I was in court today to get a deal from the prosecutor for speeding 73 in 50 zone. I decided to get a trial date because of the possiblity that the officer won't show up. One thing I learnt from a legal expert (who happened to stop by in the hall and talk to the public) was that I did not have to ve...
by aoex
Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:07 pm
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: how to determine officer show/no-show
Replies: 6
Views: 1822

OK, I think I wasn't being clear enough. When I say "talk to the prosecutor before the trial", I mean to say before they start dealing with "not guilty" pleas on the day of the trial. In other words, I remember reading somewhere that the prosecutor will attempt to talk to me both...
by aoex
Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:27 am
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: how to determine officer show/no-show
Replies: 6
Views: 1822

Thanks for the info guys, but I'm not so much interested in whether the officer will show up, but rather whether I still have the option to talk to the prosecutor once my turn is up and I learn that the officer is present. In other words, can I do the following: before the trial, talk to the prosecu...
by aoex
Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:07 pm
Forum: Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h
Topic: how to determine officer show/no-show
Replies: 6
Views: 1822

how to determine officer show/no-show

I am contesting a speeding ticket and am banking on the possibility that the cop wont show up. My main concern is how do I determine whether the cop is there without losing the option to bargain with the prosecutor for a lesser charge? More specifically, if I wait until my trial begins to determine ...

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