Search found 2 matches

by karokan
Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:40 pm
Forum: Failing to obey a stop sign, traffic control stop/slow sign, traffic light or railway crossing signal
Topic: Failing to obey stop sign + Amber light + failing to signal
Replies: 3
Views: 1907

Re: Failing to obey stop sign + Amber light + failing to sig

If this was me, and it will NEVER be me, at least I hope the HELL not... I would file the tickets and request trial, you can always call the prosecutor and ask for a ER meeting, if it works out, you take the deal and they will simply withdraw the other ticket(s) but at least you have started the cl...
by karokan
Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:41 pm
Forum: Failing to obey a stop sign, traffic control stop/slow sign, traffic light or railway crossing signal
Topic: Failing to obey stop sign + Amber light + failing to signal
Replies: 3
Views: 1907

Failing to obey stop sign + Amber light + failing to signal

I probably got him on a bad day :-) Anyway, was not speeding at all. But did a rolling stop at a stop sign. Then proceeded on amber and did not signal turn. Im pretty sure the light was still amber when i turned left and i was not accelerating just normal driving (you always remember going thru a re...

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