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by leichler1
Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:55 pm
Forum: Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Topic: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party
Replies: 14
Views: 3450

Re: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party

The prosecutor told the JP that the witness was supinad, and the contact information given was incorrect.
by leichler1
Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:45 pm
Forum: Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Topic: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party
Replies: 14
Views: 3450

Re: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party

Had my son's day in court.
Witness never gave a statement to the police.
Witness did not show.
Charges were dropped.

Thanks All for your help.
by leichler1
Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:35 am
Forum: Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Topic: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party
Replies: 14
Views: 3450

Re: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party

Just going through all the possible seniorios for next weeks trial date. Can I motion for a STAY be asked during the beginning if a trial or does this have to be done through papper work before the trial date. What I mean is if the witness did not give a statement, and the officer does not have an e...
by leichler1
Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:35 am
Forum: Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Topic: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party
Replies: 14
Views: 3450

Re: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party

Thank you.

I will just go to the set trial date and see who shows up.
If officer doesn't show, or if the witness shows and I don't get a witness statment I will ask for the ticket to be thrown out.
by leichler1
Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:15 pm
Forum: Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Topic: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party
Replies: 14
Views: 3450

Re: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party

I sent an other e-mail request for disclousure requesting the witness statment last weekend.. Today I and received a reply my e-mail from the Prosecutor clerk, saying that disclousure was sent to me in October. Also left a message on my answering machine. What was sent to me in October was the offic...
by leichler1
Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:35 pm
Forum: Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Topic: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party
Replies: 14
Views: 3450

10 Days until court and still no disclosure received yet

I have 10 Days until court, and have not yet received my requested for disclosure. I received a disclosure with officers notes prior to my first Attendance with the prosecutor. After The First Attendance, and no resolution with the Prosecutor, he said that they had a witness that would be called in ...
by leichler1
Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:37 pm
Forum: Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Topic: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party
Replies: 14
Views: 3450

Questioning the officer and Witness in court

I will be going to court with my son who was charged with a hwy violation. I would like to know when In court, what are the limitations of what I can ask of the officer and the crowns witness. And can I represent my son or help represent him,by asking questions. Also the ticket was issued by the opp...
by leichler1
Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:50 pm
Forum: Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Topic: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party
Replies: 14
Views: 3450

Thanks for the information, He will fight this one.
It just doesn't seem right that without actually seeing what did or did not happen a ticket can be issued.
by leichler1
Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:55 am
Forum: Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Topic: Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party
Replies: 14
Views: 3450

Fail to drive in marked lane Reported by 3rd party

My son was puled over last week on the Hwy.The Officer stated that someone had called and reported his vechical driving erraticly and crossing over the lanes.The officer said that he had not witnessed this but it was reported. The weather condition was rain. He is in his 20's and had 2 other youths ...

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