Just to update, I've filed 6 timely disclosure requests, none of them complete, with the last 3 not being responded to. So what I've done was file a s…
I have since made my additional disclosure request again requesting a typed copy of hand written notes, as well as the owner's manual for the specifc …
I think my avenue in persuing the "officer wrote down testing model number doesn't exist" is basically going by the fact that if he wrote down and is …
Radar Identified wrote:hwybear wrote:We are not allowed to give a "copy" of any part of a manual to anyone as it is a copyrighted. We have provided a …
Is my fine incorrect for 41 over? Hey guys, 141 in 100, what's my fine supposed to be?
Set fine ($6x41 = 246) is correct.
Total payable is $301
Based on $7*41 = $287 + $15 surcharge…