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by ryankim0728
Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:11 pm
Forum: Summon
Topic: Reinstate driver's license after 3 months suspension
Replies: 4
Views: 5095

Re: Reinstate driver's license after 3 months suspension

Stanton wrote:What were you suspended for and what is the outstanding charge?
I was suspended for over 80 mg and the court is in process now. The trial date is not yet set.
by ryankim0728
Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:17 pm
Forum: Summon
Topic: Reinstate driver's license after 3 months suspension
Replies: 4
Views: 5095

Reinstate driver's license after 3 months suspension

My license has been suspended for 3 months and I do not know the procedure to get it back. Is it possible to get the license back and drive when the charge is still outstanding?

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