
Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Author: dedeoaraujo

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Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Unread post by dedeoaraujo »

Hi everyone,

I thank you in advance for the opportunity to share my concern here with you and also ask for help . I have a portfolio for 21 years, 16 years in class A / Z and with my Abastract / CVOR record both clean. I was stopped by an OPP on HWY 6 towards Tobermory, On just because I was above the allowed highway limit. According to the policeman, he told me that I reached 130km / h in an overtaking I did in an area of ??80km / h. He told me that I was 50km over the limit. I didn't dispute it. When overtaking, no one looks at the odometer, you know. He was polite, he asked me for my documents, I apologized and I told him that it was not my intention to run because I earned my salary through my license. I got 7 days of license / car suspension. Never in 21 years have I had a problem. I've been a truck driver for 16 years. This was my first speeding traffic violation. I would like to know if anyone here can give me a light at the end of the tunnel, so that I can try to resolve this matter in court so that I get the minimum of fines and points. Thank you all in advance. Thank you All.

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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Unread post by bend »

The ideal scenario would be that they offer you a deal of 49km over.

If they do, i'd highly suggest you take it and run.

Insurance providers lump all offenses into three different brackets. Those are minor, major, and serious.

Insurance will treat any speeding ticket between 1-49 the same. It would fall into the minor offense bracket. Rolling a stop sign, not signalling, not having your insurance card on you, etc. These every day tickets will fall into the minor bracket.

50 and over skips over the major offense bracket and falls into serious. It's the worst of the worst. No insurance, racing, impaired driving, failure to remain, etc. Your insurance provider will likely tell you to kick rocks for a serious offense. You'll then be at the mercy of high risk or facility insurance for the next 3 years.

The difference is night and day. In your case in particular where you drive for a living, it might mean the difference between having a job or not.

Hopefully 49km over will be made available to you.

Good luck.

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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Unread post by dedeoaraujo »

Thanks Bend for responding! Listen You or someone here who has been through the same situation recommends me to arrive early on the day of the court hearing and Definitely try to talk to Crown to try a court settlement and ask to reduce it to 49km over or I have to hear first what the prosecutor have to offer me? What is the recommendation? Also I would like to know if I must to pay the reinstated fee License of $281 . I read two cases here of people who did not have to pay this fee to get their license back. Is it true that I don't have to pay or do I have to pay these $ 281? My suspension was 7 days on the road. I have no outstanding fines. Should I tell the Clerk just to reinstate my license? I want to Thank in advance here for all

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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Unread post by nopeedlimit »

dedeoaraujo wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:19 am

Thanks Bend for responding! Listen You or someone here who has been through the same situation recommends me to arrive early on the day of the court hearing and Definitely try to talk to Crown to try a court settlement and ask to reduce it to 49km over or I have to hear first what the prosecutor have to offer me? What is the recommendation? Also I would like to know if I must to pay the reinstated fee License of $281 . I read two cases here of people who did not have to pay this fee to get their license back. Is it true that I don't have to pay or do I have to pay these $ 281? My suspension was 7 days on the road. I have no outstanding fines. Should I tell the Clerk just to reinstate my license? I want to Thank in advance here for all

there is nothing you need to do for administrative suspension this is no the same type of suspension like others. in 7 days you will receive your temp license in mail and your plastic license will come after like a month also given the covid situation. in terms for your case right now there isn't much you can do anyway. and on your set court date it's called first appearance meaning you go to the court show up your pretty face and the crown is going to give your disclosure very standard procedure but if the guys is in a good mood or he found his case is very weak or for whatever reason he will make an offer for you and if you like you can take it if you dont then dont.

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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Unread post by dedeoaraujo »

Thanks Newbie for your advice! My court date is on Sept 28Th. Appreciate your help ! Hope they will offer me a deal . I’m crossing my fingers 🤞

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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Unread post by dedeoaraujo »

Good Evening everyone,

Yesterday I had my meeting via audio / video and I was asked if I wanted to have access to my case? (disclosure) I was also asked if I would have a lawyer or if I would have a paralegal. I responded by saying that I was unable to hire a professional. A new date has been set for March 22, 2021 at 11:00 am via video or audio. I would like to know if I request my disclosure if there will be any ready offer there (plea deal) or if it will be offered to me on March 22? I am in financial need as I told them and I will represent myself on the 22nd of next month. The question I ask is, will I have a plea deal or will I have to talk to the crown first? So, if I ask for my disclosure, will I have an offer ready? Would you like to ask for advice around here? Thanks in advance

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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Unread post by highwaystar »

Immediately request your disclosure by writing (or emailing) the Crown. Once you receive it, contact them directly via phone or email and tell them that you would like to discuss possible resolution. They may offer you 49 over at that discussion. If so, you can then plead guilty on your next court date. If they don't offer you the 49 over charge, then simply set the matter for trial. You have nothing to lose at that point---after all, they may change their mind later to avoid a trial and offer you the 49 over then. Good luck.

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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Unread post by dedeoaraujo »

Hi all,

Hope everyone is well ! Hello highway 🌟

Thank very much for your advice. Today I got an email with my disclosure. I received my disclosure case and I also took the opportunity to ask the Crown secretary if it was possible to talk to Mr. Hay the Crown. The secretary replied that yes, it was possible to schedule Mr. Hay to call me. Well, it will be available for March 24th at 11:15 am. I explained that my hearing meeting via audio / video will take place on March 22 at 11:00 am. She explained to me that on March 22nd I will introduce myself and explain that I have scheduled a phone meeting with Mr. Hay. So they will postpone it after the conversation I have with Mr. Hay. I would like to hear from you Hwystar and the other friends, if already on this call, it is possible that he will make a plea deal of 49km over. I will express in my conversation all my regret, my honesty and, above all, tell him that I drive to live. My only source of income comes from driver activity. I have A / Z class and in 21 yrs of drive’s license this was my first speed ticket. Thank you in advance for help me.

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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle Perform A Stunt Speeding By 50km/h A Move To Hit 130km/h In A 80km/h Limit Road

Unread post by highwaystar »

It's unfortunate that you couldn't have the meeting sooner. However, its still possible that on your court date the matter may get resolved. You usually get to chat with the prosecutor before court, so definitely let him know that you tried to reach him weeks before because you were hoping he would accept a guilty plea to 49 over instead. He may simply go for it to close the file, especially given the expense you've already endured. If you don't get a chance to talk to the prosecutor before going in to court, just let the court know that you tried to contact the prosecutor to try and resolve the case but the meeting has been booked till after your court date. Often times, the JP will hold the matter down so that the parties can simply try to resolve it that day and avoid wasting another court date. You definitely don't want to come across as pushy at all but perhaps the prosecutor will view your eagerness to resolve the case in a good light. He may say he wants more time to think about the 49 over, but at least you have planted the idea in his head. Remember, you are self-representing yourself so don't be afraid to ask if they don't offer the 49 over by themselves. That's what your paralegal or lawyer would do. Good luck!!

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