
[urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Author: Vasile

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[urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by Vasile »

An hour ago, I got pulled over and car got impounded for 7 days and so did my license, I was going 185KM/H ( did not notice) I was in a rush to my friend to pick her up, the cop clocked me at 185 with a lazer... anyways right now what it looks like I have 1000$ to pay for the impound. After I get my car what will I do?

I get my car in 7 days, I also get my license in 7 days.

Im also a G2 driver

And its my first ticket

What do I need to know?

What should I do?

Thank you.

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by bend »

Vasile wrote:Im also a G2 driver

And its my first ticket

What do I need to know?

$2,000 to $10,000 fine on top of your impound fees, 6 demerit points, up to 6 months jail, up to 2 year suspension for a first conviction.

You'll automatically be suspended an additional 30 days if convicted (Novice Sanction).

Because of the 6 demerit points, you may serve an additional suspension. You may have to attend an interview to discuss your driving record.

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by ynotp »

There is absolutely no justification for what you did. Your best outcome is going to be if you hire a professional to represent you.

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by Vasile »

This happened at 11 is at night on the highway going towards toronto from newmarket, opp officer pulled me over, i talked to the truck driver and he saod the guy was one of the best guys to get pulled over by...

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by Vasile »

I talked with some legal help, and the guy said he wouldn't be able to get my ticket under 50 speed limit, but he said he can get my suspension lower and my fine low but he was a paralegal, I need a real lawyer I dont want to *EDIT* up this...

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by devin98 »

There is no way you are getting out of this unless the officer made some sort of fatal error on the ticket itself. There is not justification for going 185 in a 100 zone you could have killed someone.

Even the best lawyer will not be able to get you off the only thing you can hope for is a lower suspension and a lower fine. Since you are still a G2 driver the suspension is not going to matter because you will not be able to afford the insurance for years to come.

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

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Though I do not condone speeding if someone had the time and money to challenge the law (especially the extrajudicial sanctions) that occur prior to trial I'm willing to bet that this law would not survive a charter challenge.

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by Vasile »


any advice on who I should hire? I need a good who can present my case...

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by JohnDeere »

They MIGHT give you Sec. 128 speeding 185 in a 100 zone so you get a lower fine, but I doubt it. It's too bad, but this law was made for people like you. 85 over is extremely fast. Good luck getting insurance for the next 3 years.

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by Decatur »

This is one that they will gladly take to trial with no deal, regardless of your record. The prosecutor really has nothing to lose.

Try some if the usual paralegals to start.

Request disclosure as soon as possible.

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by JohnDeere »

Also worth mentioning, for such a gross amount over the limit, I would bet that the crown seeks jail time during sentencing, even if first time.

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by alex1002 »

You need to get a very good paralegal for this case. Most of them can reduce it to 149km/h still get 4 points but alot better then 6 points

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Re: [urgent/serious] Goin 185 Km/h On Highway (100 Limit)

Unread post by diabolis »

I was clocked doing 184 km/h on the same stretch of highway (S/B 404 somewhere north of Hwy. 7) back in November. I did a lot of research and interviewed several lawyers (retained two of them at first before deciding which one I wanted to go with), and it paid off in that I managed to keep my licence despite the severity of the offence. My lawyer managed to convince the prosecutor that there were exceptional circumstances in my case (of which I had proof and which the officer's notes corroborated) and that I generally drive responsibly and am not a habitual speeder, so the prosecution agreed to seek the minimum - but for 85 over they will likely seek a high fine and a long suspension if not jail.

They will NOT plead this down to a lesser offence. Unless there are fatal errors on the ticket and/or glaring holes in the officer's notes (which is VERY unlikely for a stunt driving charge), IMHO your best bet is to hire a good and EXPERIENCED lawyer who can hopefully convince the Crown that you're generally responsible and that you've learned a lesson and arrive at a sentencing recommendation BEFOREHAND, which they will then ask for (and likely get) from the Judge.

If your arraignment is at the court in Newmarket at 465 Davis Drive, there is someone I can recommend to represent you if you're still looking.

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