
Stunt Charge 60km/h Over. G2 Licensed Driver. Need Advice.

Author: ItsColdButItsCool

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Stunt Charge 60km/h Over. G2 Licensed Driver. Need Advice.

Unread post by ItsColdButItsCool »

So I am i am in a pretty big dilemma right now... I was recently pulled over for going 60 km/h above the speed limit (140 in an 80 posted zone).. I know yikes... I made a HUGE mistake. I am a g2 driver and have been driving for a year now and have never been pulled over. So here is how this all started.

I was on an 80 km/h posted highway (not 400 series) behind traffic. The rate of speed everyone was going was around 100 Km/h give or take. We were in a one lane road that split into 2 lanes, I needed to get into the left lane, while still going the rate of traffic, I accelerated into the left lane increasing my speed at around 140km/h for maybe around 5 seconds, I of course didn't realize how fast i was going until i noticed the flashing lights behind me. Long story short I of course lost my license and car for the mandatory 7 days. I was extremely apologetic to the officer, i felt horrible as this was the fastest i have ever driven and couldn't stop thinking about what could of happened if i crashed. The officer asked me if i had any previous driving offences, In which i answered "No". The officer mentioned that since my record was clean, that getting a fairer charge would be in my favor. Is this true? Because a g2 doesn't seem to carry the same weight as a g driver who has been driving for years...

ANYWAYS... I have 1000000 questions and i am pretty worried. How likely is it that I will get a reduced charge to 49km/h+? How does this whole process work? What happens when i arrive at the summons? Anything helps, similar stories and outcomes help too. Thanks...

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Re: Stunt Charge 60km/h Over. G2 Licensed Driver. Need Advice.

Unread post by dadtoandrew »

Curious why you needed to get into the left lane when already going +/- 20km over the speed limit already? I would assume that it wasn't to turn left if you accelerated.

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Re: Stunt Charge 60km/h Over. G2 Licensed Driver. Need Advice.

Unread post by ItsColdButItsCool »

dadtoandrew wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:34 am

Curious why you needed to get into the left lane when already going +/- 20km over the speed limit already? I would assume that it wasn't to turn left if you accelerated.

In order to get to my destination I had to be in the left lane, it was maybe 1 minute away from where I was. I decided to get into the left lane early, didn't want to be last minute. And to be honest I didn't really realize the rate of traffic was already going 100km till it was too late. My car doesn't exactly feel like it goes fast at all when reaching high speeds, big fault on my part for not paying attention to the speedometer. I can say it's the fastest I have ever gone and I certainly wasn't driving to be an jackass, it was all just a big mistake :cry: .

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