
Stunt Driving At 144 Km/h In An 80 Zone Really Need Advise

Author: Mustang

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Stunt Driving At 144 Km/h In An 80 Zone Really Need Advise

Unread post by Mustang »

Hi there,

I am new to this forum. I am international so please excuse my poor English.

I am a university student, aged 19, with a G2 license. I just got a ticket and a summons

today for stunt driving at 144km/h in an 80 zone in Peterborough. The officer went

through what was going to happen and he said that I am going to the court on Dec

and he suspended my drivers license for 7 days and towed my car.

I have a clear driving history and have my G2 for one year and a half. I claim

myself to be a responsible driver (it may seem straight as I got a ticket) I never

raced on a street even I own a performance car, so the only possibly event that

I speed is on highways. When I borrow cars (like toyota corolla) from others and

the highest speed that I go on highways is around 120, because that car is cheap

and light and I think it would become a problem if I drive too fast. The vehicle I

drove today was an Audi s6. I think that car has a great break and It doesn't make

me feel like I'm doing 140.

I was pulled in the morning. 9am. I was heading to Algonquin for a road trip and this

is my first time being (and driving) in Peterborough. I am really unfamiliar with the

speed limit because I just came out from a highway and I thought it would be still an

100 zone. There was no car in the morning so I drove that fast. These may seem

excuses but they are just facts and my thoughts. I am really sorry for doing that

and I really think that has taught me a lesson so that I would not ever do it again.

When I asked the police officer he said it is not a crime and I will not go to jail.

However when I googled stunt driving it told me that there are really series

consequences, like a combination of jail time, a large amount of fines and a drivers

license suspension. I think I am going to find a lawyer but is it possible to make

the offense to speeding by lower than 50%. I really doubt that but if there is

a bargain like that I think I will gladly take it and plea guilty.

Since I am new to the country and really unaware of the laws and procedures,

I don't have any idea what I am going to do besides getting a lawyer. I really

need a piece of advise and I really appreciate any sort of comments.

Thank you for reading all of those. I will follow up and post what goes on

from now to the date when this is all settled. Thank you again for those of

you who read this and leave your comment, and I really wish there are

people who have had similar circumstance can help explain what I should do,

(or police officers or lawyers) I just feel so nervous and stressed out because

the consequence of stunt driving is so series. I even can't tell this to my parents,

not because I want to hide what I have done, but because they have mental

disease and they are not in Canada (far from here). I will accept any

consequence of this because I am an adult, and I think it won't go that badly

because I did not cause any kind of injuries, but my parents would be so worried

after hearing all of this and I am so afraid they do something so bad (cuz they are emotional)

Because they are too far from me and they just don't know what is going on,

I don't want them to worry about me.

That is all for now. I will keep updating information. Thank you all again.

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Re: Stunt Driving At 144 Km/h In An 80 Zone Really Need Advi

Unread post by screeech »

The chances of you going to jail are almost 0% so I would not worry about that...If you go hire a paralegal or a lawyer you can expect to pay a large amount of money (I have heard as high as $3,000) plus you may still have to pay the fine on top of that. You will also have to pay to get your driver's licence reinstated, the tow fee and storage fee for the car...The best deal you are going to get is to go talk to the prosecutor on the court date on your summons; ask if they would reduce the charge to speeding. As you have no record your chances for a reduction are fairly good, however, they may not want to as it was a high speed. If you need extra time to pay the fine they will agree to that as you are a student...If the prosecutor will not reduce the charge to speeding, then you should talk to a paralegal or a lawyer, most of them offer a free consultation...

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Re: Stunt Driving At 144 Km/h In An 80 Zone Really Need Advi

Unread post by Mustang »


Thank you for your reply. I really do appreciate that. I just want to know if it is common that they reduce it to over 49 and just give me a speeding ticket

instead of a stunt driving one. Because that would be a lot better. Does it depend on the lawyer though?

I look forward to your reply. Thanks again.

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Re: Stunt Driving At 144 Km/h In An 80 Zone Really Need Advi

Unread post by bend »

Mustang wrote:is common that they reduce it to over 49 and just give me a speeding ticket instead of a stunt driving one

You're a G2 driver going nearly double the limit in an 80km zone. You don't have a full license. You're a novice driver under what would be considered driving probation.

It's possible they may give you a reduced charge, but I wouldn't count on it.

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Re: Stunt Driving At 144 Km/h In An 80 Zone Really Need Advi

Unread post by bobajob »

only thing I have to add, is

you where really doing some serious speed, even "if" you where on a highway, you are still nearly 50clicks over the limit.

reading your post and in between the lines, your a boy racer, you got caught, that's it.

doing 144 in an 80, so it wasn't a highway, and nearly double the speed limit.

Your lucky you didn't kill yourself or another road user like myself, or wife and kids,

In most places, people know that ignorance is no defence, your in a new country, and... so am I

but where not talking about missing a road sign, or not knowing which lane to be or seomthing like that, where talking about

full speed pedal to the metal,

Your driving lessons/tests tell you WHAT the speed limits are and even then there are posted speed limits (sometimes not-but majority there is)

You didn't just miss a sign saying the speed had dropped, you where full on booting it with no regard for public safety.

Sorry for what might sound like a harsh reply, but it is what it is,

Mustang wrote:Hi there,

I am new to this forum. I am international so please excuse my poor English.

I am a university student, aged 19, with a G2 license. I just got a ticket and a summons

today for stunt driving at 144km/h in an 80 zone in Peterborough. The officer went

through what was going to happen and he said that I am going to the court on Dec

and he suspended my drivers license for 7 days and towed my car.

* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail
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Re: Stunt Driving At 144 Km/h In An 80 Zone Really Need Advi

Unread post by jsherk »

The prosecutor has no obligation to offer you 49 over speeding. But they might. Most insurance companies consider 49 over just a MINOR infraction whereas they consider 50+ over and Stunt as a Serious offence. A serious offence will cause your insurance to skyrocket (more than double) and maybe even be cancelled.

So your court date that you have is a summons date which is NOT your trial date (but you must attend). You can:

(1) Simply plead guilty to all the charges (not recommended).

(2) If offered a plea deal for a single charge of 49 over speeding, then you can plead guilty to this.

(3) If not offered a plea deal, and the prosecutor wants to proceed against you with the Stunt charge and/or 50+ over speeding, then you can say that you want to plead not guilty and want to get disclosure and would like a trial date set. They will then set a trial date for you, and you will send you disclosure and you can then decide how you want to proceed and whether to hire a lawyer or not.

Because of the seriousness of the charges, option 2 is probably the best choice if it is offered to you. Otherwise option 3 will be the best way.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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Re: Stunt Driving At 144 Km/h In An 80 Zone Really Need Advi

Unread post by Mustang »

Thank you all for offering help by replying.

I will take all the harsh comments. That is really irresponsible to the cars on the same road

and to the residences in the town.

I think they will offer me a plea deal but I'm not sure they will give me a 49+ one. They

will probably give me a speeding charge not a stunt driving one, although the difference

might be a better record and less fines. I will call a lawyer to get free consult.

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