
Stunt Driving At Napanee Court

Author: Calvin

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Stunt Driving At Napanee Court

Unread post by Calvin »

I was driving towards ottawa from Toronto and an OPP officer pull me over because his radar indicated that I was doing 140. However he supposedly paced me for 1 km at 160. He gave me a stunt driving charge, suspended my license for a week and car got impounded. I went to court at Napanee and the crown prosecutor gave me a "deal" , which is $2500 fine with pleading guilty to stunt driving and NO SUSPENSION.

A) is this possible , to plead guilty to the charge without any suspension for a year

I have a G license with no demerit points . However I have 2 other speeding charges on my record that appeared on the disclosure .

B) is it worth getting a lawyer or paralegal or should I just take the deal

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Joined: Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:34 pm

Re: Stunt Driving At Napanee Court

Unread post by Calvin »

DOES ANYONE HAVE Experience at this COURT ....NAPANEE 97 Thomas street

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Re: Stunt Driving At Napanee Court

Unread post by bend »

Calvin wrote:A) is this possible , to plead guilty to the charge without any suspension for a year

A conviction for stunt driving doesn't carry a minimum suspension. Maximum is 2 years. So you could be looking at anything in between.

Calvin wrote:B) is it worth getting a lawyer or paralegal or should I just take the deal

If you are charged with something that carries possible jail time, it's always a good idea. It doesn't mean you're going to jail, it's just a good indication of when you should let someone else handle it.

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