
Unreasonable Stunt Tow/ Impound Charges In To

Author: iskyhigh5

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Unreasonable Stunt Tow/ Impound Charges In To

Unread post by iskyhigh5 »

I was stopped last Thursday morning for Stunt Driving +50 or more on the 401 near Yonge. Officer refused to tell me my speed, but hinted he paced me from the 400.

My vehicle was towed and my licensed was suspended for 7 days.

The tow company is giving me the following two options.

Option A: $1808 includes the full bill with tax

Option B: $1550 cash with no bill no tax

$350 for the initial hook

$10/km for 16KM (401 to their impound yard)

$100/day at the impound

$350 for paperwork

The math doesn't even add up; what rights do I have as a human being in Canada? I would like to get my vehicle out of the impound at a fair rate.

Can anyone please guide me? What can I do? I was advised there may be some sort of rate sheet available? How do I go about seeing this?

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Re: Unreasonable Stunt Tow/ Impound Charges In To

Unread post by argyll »

$350 for paperwork ? Wow

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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Re: Unreasonable Stunt Tow/ Impound Charges In To

Unread post by argyll »

I'd suggest a call to Revenue Canada might be in order for Option B

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Re: Unreasonable Stunt Tow/ Impound Charges In To

Unread post by UnluckyDuck »

Unlike my name, fortunately I have never had my car impounded. However, my brother has had his vehicle (registered in my name) impounded twice for 7 days. The first time the impound was $1500 while the second time it was $1300. Impound rates vary from lot to lot, but to my knowledge, minimum is around $1000 to get your car back.

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Re: Unreasonable Stunt Tow/ Impound Charges In To

Unread post by bend »

This kind of thing would be regulated by municipal by-laws where you were charged. There's no flat fee chart covering the province.

Every a municipality will be different. They may have general rates, collision rates, mileage rates within their boundaries, rates for regular streets, rates for residential towing, private property, etc. They may let tow drivers also determine rates for additional factors (hassle factors like moving your car into a different position, using dollies, etc).

Usually, municipalities write up these by laws to protect vulnerable individuals after an accident. They aren't really catered to rates for roadside suspensions. A collision may have a flat fee, but it wouldn't necessarily cover you for a stunt driving charge. In that case, they'll allow tow drivers to base their rates on time of day, distance from scene, etc.

You can get somewhat of an idea here for the City of Toronto.

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