Red Light-fail To Stop Hta 144(18)
Today I got ticketd for section HTA 144-18 Here is the scenario:
I was driving at the speed limit and slowing down as I was approaching the signal to make a right turn. As I was approaching the signal all traffic were stopped (there was a huge presence of police cars in that area) (James snow Parkway and Main Street in Milton). At the lights, I stopped my car for about 3 Seconds to observe if there are any vehicles coming and when I made sure there were none, I made a right turn (I had the right of way) and I had made sure that it was safe to make a right turn. Since there was a huge presense of police cars all over that area, I drove very slowly all throught and a cop pulled me over. I reached the intersection at a time when all the vehicles in the oncoming direction were stopped due to all signals turning RED before my signal turned GREEN. The cop was very polite and mentioned that they are doing a "Project" due to accidents in that area and said that I did not come to a complete stop at the RED Light before making the right turn (I DID COME TO A COMPLETE STOP). She said an officer spotted me at the intersection who was observing all the cars and I am being ticketed. I did not argue as I know that there is no point arguing with a COP.
I Plan to fight the ticket, but what do I have to do to win the ticket or get it thrown out!! Please help!!