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22kms Over Reduced To 15kms Over - Court Date This Weds

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:03 pm
by Viggen

As the title stated, I've been caught speeding and which the cop was nice enough to reduce the speed from 22kms to 15kms over. He clearly wrote an "R" in one of the boxes so I know he did reduce it. My court date is set of this Wednesday and I have no idea I could request disclosure until now. I guess it's too late for that now.

Anyways, without this disclosure, my chances of fighting and winning are slim to none and there's really no point for me to fight a reduced ticket (IMO). The only chance I'll have is for the officer not to show up in court. I'm not sure what the chances of that is.

My question would be, how early will I know if the officer will be in court or not? I do have an idea of how he looks like, but will he be sitting in court just like I will? or do officers sit else where and wait to be called in? The reason I'm asking is, if I know he's not attending court, then I'll plea "not guilty" and get the ticket thrown out. If I know he's attending, then I'll plea "guilty" with the reduced amount or even "guilty with explanation".

Any advice will help as the big court date is creeping up very soon.

Thanks all.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:45 pm
by racer

See what kind of a deal the prosecutor will offer you. Also, look up you insurance policy on the net, see what kinds of tickets affect you most.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:43 pm
by Viggen

Yea, I'm interested to see what the prosecutor will offer as well, especially when the ticket has been reduced already. I'm still hoping for the officer not to show up though. I guess I'll find out when I get there. As for the insurance, their website doesn't state if they have a mercy ticket/offense or not. I want to call them but I also don't want to trigger them to check my file afterward. From what I know, the insurance companies do not check everyone's profile at renewal time to see if they have tickets or any kind of offense. They do random picks rather, and if I'm lucky enough not to be one of the randoms, then I'll be safe for the up coming year. All in all, if you don't trigger your profile, they will most likely just renew your insurance with the same price as the previous year.

But then again, with the new policy that the top 8 insurance companies are to increase their rates, this random check might not happen.

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:48 pm
by liveontheedge

I don't where your court house is, but in Markham/401 court in Toronto,

cops sit in the same court room with drivers.

If you don't check in with Crown at the beginning of the court session, you have another chance at break time to do so, you can sit at the back of the court room in the first half to look for the cop.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:49 am
by Viggen

My court room is in richmond hill (High Tech). But I'm guessing the procedures would be the same as the Markham/401 location. Thank you for the reply. I'll search for him first thing I get to the court house. Thanks again.