120km/hr In A 100km/hr (hwy 400)
So I was pulled over for doing 20km/hr over (120km/hr in a 100km/hr) on the 400. Going to use a new term I learned, but the officer was being a "left lane bandit", and not driving at a consistent speed, but driving between 110km and 120km, and I had been following him for a while at 120km with the cruise control on, and I decided to pass him on the right (in the middle lane). He pulled behind me, tossed on the lights and pulled me over. I'm nickel and dime-ing here, but if you were to go by what my GPS said, I was not even travelling below 120km/hr. Other notes, he was a city of Toronto officer, and as such, had Toronto tickets, but under municipality, he crossed out Toronto and put York. This occurrence happened in Simcoe county. Does this having any bearing in regard to the ticket or where court would take place? (The ticket says it would be in Toronto, in terms of accessibility, within Simcoe county would be better for me). What would be the best course of action from here? Thanks in advance.