Accident In Center Lane
Hello everyone. I had an accident last month. I was found at fault by the Police officer.
Long story short: I was making a left turn from a gas station. I had to cross 3 lanes , than a middle lane to get to my lane. There was a traffic jam and all 3 lanes waved me though. when I entered the middle lane I heard honking. I stopped from a very low speed and the guy who was driving down the middle hit my front driver side. He was bypassing traffic to get to his left hand turn though the middle lane. The middle lane did not have arrows painted or alternating yellow line. I was a solid yellow lines on either side of the middle lane, hence not intended for travelling, or turning.
The officer gave me a 3 points Failure to Yield from private drive.
[img]<iframe%20src=" ... n></iframe>[/img]
From the drawing I was the red car. The Blue car hit me in the middle lane. My main concern is do I have a fighting chance at winning this case?
The car that hit me was illegally driving on a middle lane which was not intended to be driven on.
Also there are a number of mistakes in the accident report , including the officer put me down that I was driving 30 km/h and the officer put down that the accident happened in the third lane but in reality it happened in the middle lane.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance