Ticketed For Right Turn At Yellow Light [resolved]
I was coming home this morning (just an hour ago) after dropping my mom off at work and was nearing an intersection. As there was no traffic near me, I slowed down and made a right turn since the light was yellow. The police cruiser stopped at the red light came right after me and pulled me over.
The reason? I "blatantly blew a red light".
I'm still trying to come to terms with this. I'm just a college student with a perfect driving record. I drive safe and my car is maintained properly and in fine shape. I did absolutely nothing wrong but knew that I couldn't argue anything with the officer. She was pretty adamant about giving me the ticket and claimed she had given out enough cautions about it. Ok, great, so why didn't I get a caution for a first time "offense"? Her words were that I will get demerit points and my insurance will "jack up". Excellent.
So now I'm sitting here with a $325 ticket for breaking Highway Traffic Act 144(18)
Red light
(18) Every driver approaching a traffic control signal showing a circular red indication and facing the indication shall stop his or her vehicle and shall not proceed until a green indication is shown. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 144 (18).
The ticket officially states "Red light - fail to stop"
This is a complete LIE!
I didn't argue it with her but I was clearly shocked that I was receiving the ticket in the first place. I know better than to provide a police officer desperate to meet her quota with an actual reason for trouble.
My question to you folks here is how good are my chances of overturning this charge since it's a complete and utter lie? I always get off QEW at Cawthra, turn south, and then turn right into South Service Rd. It's always a right turn for me at that particular intersection as it's the shortest route to my home. This means that I NEVER pass straight through the intersection. So how can I possibly run a red light?
I definitely plan to fight this, as a student I can't even afford this ridiculous charge and the fact that my insurance will skyrocket. I refuse to be a victim of a dishonest officer.
The way she was presenting the case was that I was driving recklessly and should've stopped before turning. The fact of the matter is that the light was yellow when I began turning and I obviously slowed down. If I had taken such a tight turn at 50km/h (posted limit on Cawthra) I would've obviously lost control and crashed into the median on South Service. At the very least my tires would've squealed. I still had my hockey gear in the car, my goalie pads and anything else would've tumbled towards the left side. Her point of view is completely illogical.

Any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.
PS. My insurance and driving record won't be affected unless I plead guilty, right? Is this something I will need an attorney for or will the judge understand my point?