Failing To Stop At Red Light-making A Right Turn. Pleasehelp
Got a ticket for failure to obey a traffic light.
I was approaching a red light, slowed down then made my right turn (didn't come to a complete stop-didn't go through the intersection, made a right turn)
I then proceeded into a grocery store plaza and parked my car. The officer followed and parked infront of me.
He didn't put on his lights or anything just waved me over to his car. When i approached his window he told me I didn't make a complete stop at the red light. I apologized and he asked for my license and insurance. I gave him all my information and he told me if I needed to get groceries to go get them. I was confused so I walked into Metro and grabbed what I came for. When I came outside he gave me my stuff back and handed me a ticket. He told me my options were on the back and left.
I'm a G2 driver and in school to be a police officer. This isn't the kind of ticket I want to have on my record!
My trial date is set for January 5th.
Any advice is welcomed.