Appeal Conviction - Red Light
how to file an appeal of conviction for a red light 144(18) ticket. went to trial myself and failed to present
myself well. The conviction was unfair as well.
1. the woman(not the JP, not the clerk, I just don't know who she was) questioning the police, at the end just
went over to the police and copied his notes as she couldn't "catch them" (that was she said). And JP made decision pretty much based on that piece of paper.
2. my statement were wrongly repeated by the JP couple times
3. I was told that i am not a honest person due to refusing swear to the bible (as i mentioned to them I was not christian but other religious)
4. to the statement by police.... light rain (it's a heavy rain day and I have weather report to prove it)...a beige truck
(Beige was on my permit. But my truck actually is GOLD and it shown on the bill of sale and couple repair bill by Canadian Tires).....there are other same truck but beige in my area. The times on the ticket is not correct as well as I know I passed the intersection about 10 minutes earlier than the time on the ticket.(but I don't think I can prove it)
5. police notice "..he observed from the creditview road (which is cross section of my street - Bristol), he observed the traffic light on Creditview, and the light on the Bristol and the cars passing all at the same second (really?)- it was a heavy rain day (maybe that why he said it's light rain), with the washers swishing and a back mirror in the middle..I disagree that he had a good observation for all the things he said (which the JP said he had ). Plus creditview at the Bristol is a six lanes (N) to Five lanes (S) section. the signal timing for the westbounce and the eastbource traffic lights are different on Bristol. did he saw the eastbournce light above my truck while I was travelling westbourne or he saw I passed the westbounce light while my truck is about 6 lanes away from that light.
6. to this moment, I remain I didn't pass the red light. But I have to realize I have nothing to prove. I can't even prove there was a construction at the westside of Bristol - I had to drive slow not to splash the workers and one lane was closed. The white focus front of me ( one truck space ahead of me)
passing a green- how can I pass a red?.
If anyone can guide me how to file an appeal for this , I much appreciate. The docket date is 4 Jan Wednesday. I properly don't have much time.
What forms? what department? where I can file?
I contacted a ticket people and was told it would cost me $1500/hr. I can't afford that.
Please help.