jsherk wrote:The officers remarks about the lines that are not there may help you a little, but in the end the only part that matters is if the officer says you did not stop.
If there is no by-law for the stop sign though, then you need to make sure you bring that up at the trial. If you can even get a response from somebody in the municipality saying that there is no bylaw for stop signs there, then you should be able to win it. NOTE: +1 on good research for finding no bylaw and the other related regulations.
But even if you win the stop sign charge because of no bylaw, I do not think you can beat the fail to provide insurance charge. That one is another tough one to beat.
Went to Court today
Prosecutor spoke to me during recess time
Prosecutor was telling me some of the documents and disclosure are not proper.
Prosecutor said I must have someone helped me with these disclosures etc. I should have someoe who knows law to
represent me... blar blar for over 10 mins. Try to intimate me to accept something
I provided 2 emails from Markham City engineering dept and the email was cc to City Councillor and the Mayor
It confirmed that there are no by-laws at that intersection (HTA 137) and the stop signs were erected by the Developer (HTA 46)
Prosecutor said emails are not admissible. I have to have the writer to testify in Court. That is Bullshit. Under The Canada Evidence Act, Emails with
company email address are considered "self-authenticating trade inscriptions for purpose of federal evidence
I mentioned HTA 615(7) regarding the stop sign on the left-- Prosecutor said Court do not care about whether the stop is erected in accordance with HTA 615(7)
I also point out the stop line was mentioned more than 4 times on police narrative text but his video and my video showed there is no line on the ground
There is an All Way stop which was 2 metres into the intersection and a Stop sign on the left (HTA 615(7) both are not aligned.
I have less than 60 metres to response my view of the stop sign was because cement tryck blocked my view.
Prosecutor said whether there are line or not whether I can see the stop sign before 60 metres are not relevant.
I told her HTA 45 -60 metres rule. and 136(1)a -stop at line-no line. or before entering intersection- but the All Way stop was 2 metres into the intersection- Where should I stop?
I insisted to go to trial.
It was 11:40 am. Prosecutor told the judge that there are issues unresolved. There are not enough time to proceed with the trial. The judge said there are enough time. Prosecutor recommend to reschedule to a later date. I told the judge I am ready to proceed with the trial. Well, Prosecutor got the delay to Jan 2017.
Question: My ticket was late Feb 2016 and now rescheduled to mid Jan 2017- About 10 months. The delay was not my fault. I did not request any additional disclosure and I had provided all disclosure(my video) and other documents to the Prosecutor.
Can I file Form 4F and raise 11b Charter of Rights challenge?
Why do you think Prosecutor requested delay? There are 20 mins to noon and the judge initially said there are enough time.
Fail to obey stop sign was the only ticket I got.