Getting A Ticket By A Police Officer For Supposed "red Light Infraction"
Hello Everyone,
I received a ticket from a police officer who pulled me over for supposedly entering the intersection and driving through a red light. I was very certain that I did not enter the intersection on the red. I requested a meeting with the prosecutor and the disclosure of all written and video evidence. I received the video that was taken from the police vehicle after the police vehicle turned on the road, way behind me. Since the police vehicle was turning, the camera only captured when the lights are already amber. I am driving toward the intersection and since the intersection is on a slight uphill, there is no way to see on the footage from the camera's angle where the stop line is. There is no way to tell if I am ahead, on or after the stop line while the traffic signals turned red.
What makes the whole thing more interesting is that this intersection has 2 traffic lights to direct the traffic, and when I tried to print out the crucial "split-seconds" of the lights turning amber to red, I noticed that the signal on the left was still amber while the signal on the right already changed!
Video evidence differs from those taken by the "red light cameras", and does lack all the details. You can't see the stop line, the pedestrian crossing, etc. I only know that I did not drive into the intersection while it was already red.
Any input would be much appreciated!