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Red Light- Proceed Before Green - Collision Involved.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:16 pm
by BostonMike

We were coming to an intersection and were t-boned.

Wife was driving and we both saw yellow. To late to stop so went through.

Other vehicle hit us on the drivers side door.

Other driver no skid marks or anything. Officer stated he had three witnesses stating that it was a red light we ran.

One -All the people he interviewed were standing together from my vantage point.

I have two witnesses stating that the light was not red.

Ticket doesn't have our unit number and stated that there are no witnesses.

not even sure if anything matters.

There are three boxes -Motor vehicle involved blank

-collision involved -Checked

-Witnesses blank

Not sure if I have enough to fight it or get it tossed. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Red Light- Proceed Before Green - Collision Involved.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 2:30 pm
by bend

Probably should invest in a dashcam after this one.

This is one of those situations where you're probably more likely to have this case dismissed based on a witness not showing up than anything else.

Wouldn't exactly be a bad thing to request a trial and go from there.

Remember, the charge under the highway traffic act and your insurance investigation are two separate things. Even if, lets say, a witness doesn't show up and they can't proceed with your case, it doesn't mean your insurance will see things the same way. They'll assess fault regardless based on the evidence in front of them.