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Closed Road

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 2:36 pm
by Pebbles

This occurred several months ago and I am going to court. A road near my home had been closed for construction which blocks access to the 407. One evening I was checking to see if it's still closed so I could use the 407. The pylons were not blocking half of the road. I thought they were being smart and letting cars use the road during off-hours. I saw the car in front of me go through and so I followed. A cop at the side of the road pulls me over for "driving on a closed highway". It's not even a highway! He says the car in front of me was a cop (unmarked). He also pulls over 3 other cars. He only gaving a warning to cyclist. I was reading the Highway Traffic Act 134 (3) which says you can't drive there if signs have been posted by police or the police caused them to be posted. To me it appeared that the town posted them (probably under a by-law) not the police. Any advice/insight would be appreciated.

Re: Closed Road

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 6:43 pm
by hwybear
Pebbles wrote:. A cop at the side of the road pulls me over for "driving on a closed highway". It's not even a highway! .

per HTA definition of highway: is any road, street, avenue, cresent, highway, boulevard etc..