Unsafe Lane Change - Any Chance To Fight? [154 (1)(a)]
So I'm listed as a secondary driver under my dad's car, and today I was driving down O'Connor Dr on the lane next to the sidewalk when a car in front puts on their hazard lights and starts slowing down. I worry about what he's doing so I signal to the left lane and begin changing lanes but a car passes by, honking and going ahead of me. I get pulled over and the cop says he's charging me with Unsafe Lane Change 154(1)(a). I've never gotten a ticket before so I'm unsure about the procedures. If I go ahead with early resolution, will I still for sure be taking a hit to my insurance and potentially my points?
The cop says if I do go to court, that paralegals tend to be pretty good and he also said that he will use the video captured on the camera on his car and that he does get paid to go (which makes me unsure if I should take this to court or not as I've heard in the past they tended not to show up.)
What are the worst case scenarios if I do go to court and lose? Do I pay higher fines/more demerit points? Do I even have a case to fight here or should I just accept whatever the early resolution gives me?