Advice To Presenting Case
I'm going to preface this with a little concern....I know that at least one moderator on this forum is likely a co-worker of the officer who tagged me. I'm hoping that by being involved here, this moderator is already acting unbiased towards incidents he/she is not directly involved in. Also hoping that the moderator is not this officer in particular.....
Anyway, I got pulled over doing 135 in a 100 zone on the 401 near London, ON. Yes, yes. I didn't do it. I actually DIDN'T do it. Everyone who has GPS knows that some of them keep a log of MAX speed. And, yes, I know that GPS is not valid defense against radar etc, and I do know that they can be reset. I do it every morning before I go to work. I didn't do it this time, and have pictures to prove my max speed (115 max all the way from Newmarket to this point).
I have no intention of taking the GPS to court (has been turned off ever since just in case) because it would obviously provide evidence of speeding. I also plan to select option 3, challenge etc. I plan to ask for full disclosure as well. I have a couple of questions. BUT, first the details (I took notes immediately after the officer left my window to go write the ticket):
1. The picture shows the exact location (plus or minus a few feet) of where and how the OPP cruiser (Crown Vic) was parked and what they would see looking out the drivers window. These lanes are westbound.
2. The officer's first comment to me was "I clocked you going 135 at the top of the hill. Do you have your license....." etc etc etc. Look at the top of the hill (far one, not the close one). That point is ~1.3km away (~4200 ft). I measured twice with 2 different cars and averaged the distance.
3. I haven't yet measured elevations, but suffice to say, a car will descend out of sight of this cruiser before re-appearing over the second hill just past the sign.
4. Immediately west of this location is a long incline past an inspection station which is at the top of a hill (at least 15-20 metres vertical elevation by my guess-timate) and then another long descent into the famous Elgin Road valley of OPP. I was pulled over more than 5 km from where the officer was lasing the highway (almost at Elgin road exit). I will re-measure to be sure, but I am 100% sure that I was out of sight more than once between being clocked and being pulled over. There was a similar amount of traffic continuously passing to what is in the photo and similar weather conditions.
5. When I was "clocked" (crested the hill) I was in lane 1, there was an F150 up my chuff and about 2 car lengths in front of me (having just passed me) was a silver Acura TL (I even got his marker and a photo of him, mostly because I was thinking about phoning him in for previous shenanigans a km or so prior to this) in Lane 2. I'm guessing this is the car that got lased, not me. Could have been traffic going the other way given the distance and incline maybe?
When the officer handed me my ticket, the conversation went exactly like this (wrote it down):
Me: Can I ask you a couple of questions?
OPP: What?
Me: The radar you used. Was it fixed or....
OPP: <interrupting me> I got you with Laser. You can ask all the questions you want in court. Have a nice day. <walks away>
Me: <yells out the window> And you have a super day too! Thank you! <looks more sarcastic than it was>
My questions:
What is the procedure that must be followed when doing a traffic stop? Can the OPP lase-away with abandon checking everyone or is there some sort of estimation (probable cause) required before using a laser or radar gun? Wouldn't blazing away with the laser contravene the Charter of Rights being tantamount to random searches? I know that there is an exception for RIDE spot-checks, but no others that I know of.
Any advice on how or even whether I should bother persuing this? I drive about 60-80,000km annually for work, so to get a 4 pointer would definitely cause me grief beyond the insurance hike. Should I try to plea bargain? Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.