Any Comments On Defences For The Case Attached?
I was given a speeding ticket and have prepared an outline of my defence. In order for it to be complete I want to be consider all possible arguments and I would like know if I have overlooked anything or if there are specific arguments to be made based solely on the description given below:
Code: Select all
On the <date> at approximately <time> while conducting stationary radar on Highway <number> <direction> at <mileage marker> <officer> observed a motor vehicle travelling at a higher rate of speed than the posted 100 km/h. <officer> activated the radar and obtained readings of 130 km/h, 130 km/h, 130 km/h. <officer> locked the speed at 130 km/h. The motor vehicle was the only motor vehicle in the radar beam. <officer> activated emergency lights and the motor vehicle came to rest <location>.
Unfortunately I cannot give many additional facts since I am afraid it would prejudice me but I do certainly appreciate input based on the limited information given above.