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Just Got A Ticket - Need Some Advice

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:23 am
by momoney

Just got a ticket - 120km in a 90 km -- that one KM extra doubles my fine and give an extra point.

This was a speed trap - going from 100 down to 90 - with one officer on the bridge and several cruisers waiting to pull people over. I'm not sure if they were using radar or laser as the officer came to my passanger side to avoid traffic and I could barely hear anything she was saying.

The officer said that it was against her policy to reduce roadside but I could got to court and the judge would!?!?!?

This was a little frustrating but okay. My question is:

1) If I fight the ticket and lose, do I get charged court costs or anything additional?

2) On the ticket there is only one officer's name at the top (I'm assumeing last name) Do both officers names need to be on the ticket? and will both officers need to come to court?

Any help would be appreciated.

Exceeding The Speed Limit By 30 To 49 Km/h

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:27 pm
by ticketcombat

1) Fight the ticket. You have nothing to loose. Your ticket will have the fine, court costs, and victim surcharge already included. If you look at your ticket carefully, these boxes are filled out with separate amounts for each. The only thing it will cost you is your time.

2)a. Request a trial by following the instructions on the back of your ticket. You can go to any Provincial Offences office in Ontario, not just the one listed on the back of the ticket but you only have 15 days.

2)b. Several months later, you'll get a notice of trial. At that point, request disclosure by mailing or faxing a letter to the prosecutor asking for all evidence against you.

2)c. You should get the names of the officers. There will be two names if the officer on the bridge was taking the speed reading and then radio'd the second one to pull you over. The name on the ticket is the one who wrote the ticket but it may not be the person who took the reading (the guy on the bridge). This type of trap is pretty rare because it requires both officers to testify in court (a waste of resources). Are you sure the guy on the bridge was taking the readings??

You did not mention where the trap was. If it is in Guelph, your chances of fighting the ticket or getting a fair trial, are slim.

Finally, you may have a First Attendance or just before the trial meet with the prosecutor who may offer to reduce the ticket. Never accept this without seeing the evidence against you first. If the evidence is flimsy, they won't get a conviction, so why plead to a lesser charge?