31 Km/h Over In 80 Km Zone
I was pulled over going 111 km/h in an 80 km/h. The officer told me I was doing 111 km/hr, asked for my insurance. I mistakenly gave him the trailer insurance instead. He came back gave me a ticket for the 111 km/h and warned me I didn'nt have the right insurance. I then showed him the right insurance, at which point he no longer cared. And I'm stuck with a ticket 2 km/hr into the 4 demerit range. I have decided to go to trial. I've been looking into possible causes of reasonable doubt. They are as follows:
1) he has the time as pm when it occurred in the am written on the ticket
2) he was oncoming around a bend, in the rain and I was one of three vehicles on that stretch of road at the time. - have doubt as to whether he recorded my vehicle or whether he could operate the radar accurately and safely in those conditions.
3) the road I was travelling is not signed as 80 km\h in either direction for the 12.5 km stretch I was on even though there are multiple paved interchanges with roads that are 90 km\h in that stretch. Therefore I believe the limit to be 90km
4) will question the radar/laser used and when it was tested, the officer's training on the unit and his ability to operate it in conditions mentioned above.
Does this get me to reasonable doubt? Should I concentrate on one defense? Or should I just throw as much mud as possible and see if something sticks.
I could also get my wife to testify I was not travelling at that speed but I'm not sure that helps or not, as we were talking about travelling faster to get to the kids swimming lessons, but not obviously going that fast.
thanks in advance for any help or advice.